A buddy of mine had a couple trees cut down by the city for sidewalk renovations. They are going to be replanting white oaks in their place. Anyway, lucky for me (I hope) I get all the wood for my wood pile. There are 2 types of tree in this pile. Any help ID'ing them would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Some kinda maple I’m guessing. I don’t know hard maples so much so I’m not sure if its that one or soft.
If the twig in the edge of the truck bed came from the same tree, it looks like it is loaded with maple seed pods. Ought to be some good burning for you. Looks like some pretty dense stuff Not sure on the stuff with the red looking wood?
It sure felt dense loading it in my pickup. I probably have another 4-5 loads to get from it over the next few days. Luckily it only 1/2 mile away!
Definitely sounds like we got one of them id'd as a maple, I'm guessing hard-maple from some stuff I've read. Not for the other tree with the reddish wood. The bark looks quite a bit different as well.
They were just cut down yesterday, and then it rained all last night and was raining softly while I was cutting and loading it this morning. Wet as wet can be inside and out. The trees were fully alive and healthy when cut.
I would keep them separated if you can, because the Maple will season a lot sooner than the Honey Locust!
Found a picture of the non-maple tree before it was cut-down. It is all the way on the left. Does this help with ID'ing?
One silver maple, one oak probably red oak, hard to tell with the wet intensifying color. That is my guesses
Looks like soft maple and honey locust. Honey locust in my opinion has the dark brown appearance very far out and the soft has the very centralized brown ring. Honey locust splits hard compared to the maple. Enjoy!
Without seeing the other responses im saying red oak and silver maple. Some decent straight grained wood regardless of species. Great get jjspierx Pics of some silver maple i cut around Christmas time.
Red oak and some sort of maple- probably silver...did it have 2-3 large stems coming from the origins stump?
I'm in the red oak and silver maple camp too. The third photo seems to have silver maple leaves still attached to one of the lower logs.