On my way home and hop on the highway a few exits up from mine. Spy this on the side of the entrance ramp. Recent state clearing work...lots of chips too. The guardrail ends before merging so i hop the curb, throw it in reverse and back up to grab some. Flop and load. Had a load of brush and a ladder in the bed but did grab a few ash logs, couple oak and one catalpa. Only had the little Husky arborists saw with me and it was being tempermental. I have to go back that way next week and will have a saw with me.
Take a chance before you fall, You got nothin’ to lose at.......aaallllll! - sorry I had to break out into song there.
OK , now you have me thinking..... I need to change my user name. This buzz-saw can't even begin to come close to you buZZsaw , you are on another level. Little Husky not happy again??
Never scrounged box elder that im aware of. Bigger logs are catalpa. Bean pods littered the ground around the cutting. Some oak and ash. CRAZY MAN??? I resemble that remark.
Brad, thought you would get a kick out of this. I had this denim jacket painted in 1988. And it still looks great. Doesn’t fit me anymore but I can never let it go. Trying to convince my son Tommy that Metal still lives on. Lol
That is cool. I never has anything like that but have done my share of concerts. Iron Maiden and Judas Priest 1982 at the New Haven Coliseum. I was a Freshman in High school. I saw Motorhead in September 2015 at Oakdale. Lemmy died three months later. Anthrax opening act. I'm more of a "Big 4" fan.
Love me some Old school Anthrax and Motörhead. Motörhead does a fantastic cover of David Bowie’s Hero’s You have to listen to it.
Wow, I’d have never guessed I was among Anthrax fans. Im a big one, they get regular play on my stereo wherever I am. Among the Living is probably my fav.