Hey Brad, I thought you might like to see this pile of Black Locust I have to work up. A friend of mine was clearing out a field edge. He pushed them over w his dozer, I cut the root ball off, then his hired man stacked them w the skid steer. 8 have been moved home, 22 left. I will buck and split these here and haul home. Most are 20-22" at the butt and @25' long. That is a bitternut (I think) hickory on top. We have groves of BL here that may be 1-3 acres or more. Hope you enjoy the pic.
Prolly some decent fence posts in there. 6 footers are selling for $6.00 in my area. Sometimes you can get 4 or more out of a 6’ piece depending on the diameter.
Believe it or not Farmchuck, no one around here uses BL posts, we have an endless supply of hedge for posts.
Dunno how i missed this. Fell asleep early last night. That is AWESOME! Great for you! Can i come over and process some? Funny how different areas of the country certain trees are abundant. Locust is around here, but most times only a few trees and/or in small groves and most times not an easy to get at location. I think it was ole who had the biggest pile of it. Keep us updated with progress pics and thanks for the thread title. I like your avatar Red Elm btw. We have pileateds around here. See or hear them couple times a month. My bucket list bird to get at the feeder or suet.
Geez I don’t even know what hedge is! I take it it lasts as long or longer than locust? Is it also good firewood? Does it grow very big? You’ve peaked my curiosity now!
As mrfancyplants says it burns very hot, and also long. Very high BTU's. I have a corner post I pulled w a tractor and loader that had been in the ground 60+ years. It was so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. It's been leaning against a tree for 20+ years since and still no rot. Another name for it is Bois d' Arc or bodarc.