This wonderful looking specimen fell in my friends yard and it’s all mine...mmmhahaha! What say u? What is this tree? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The guy was thinking hickory but didn’t look like it to me. I’ll take some ash. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My first thought was some kind of hickory because of the leaf bud being similar to shag hickory. This leaf bud is from a shag bark hickory.
Look at the leaves and limbs. If they are opposite leaves and branches it's ash. If they are alternating then it's hickory. Going by the pony tail it put out I'd say bitternut hickory. See: In either case you done either good or gooder. I'd say gooder!
I'm having second thoughts about my 'sure thing' ash assessment-you guys may have a point. I would love to see a close up of the branches to see if there is opposite branching. Can't quite tell.
This is from the pig nut hickory in my front yard. It has the same type of dangley bits. The leaves are shriveled because it is cold in southern ohio. I say it is some type of hickory, shellbark or bitternut.