Please don't make this into a bash Amazon thread so if you just don't like Amazon, then please just quietly move on. The point of this is to see if others are having any problems. But it seems that just about everything we want to buy is out of stock. They give an expected date when they will be in stock but I don't trust that date at all so just won't buy. Frustrating to see so much out of stock. In addition, the one or two day delivery has gone out the door too. Anyone else?
We use it a lot. Have been seeing prime delivery taking 3-4 days. Been coming sooner than projected. Did recently order some vacuum sealer bags that said in stock with a date but took about 2 weeks to get. Didn’t much matter, I found the roll that I thought we had. Food and paper goods are definitely not available like they were, we don’t buy much of that. Mainly used the food for our daughter in college but she’s home now.
I think I read somewhere that currently they are only accepting needed items and other things like clothes ect are not being aloud in. Things like medicine, and things like that. I could be mistaken.
They explained a couple weeks ago that they are focusing on medical type stuff to be kept in stock and some other "essential" goods. This may be the problem?
I understand the need for priorities and accept them but I think they are having some big problems, like getting enough workers in the warehouses. I did read this week that workers in the Detroit warehouse walked off the job stating someone at work had the virus but Amazon was not doing anything special to protect all the workers.
I read that too, yes, could be worker related. Could be a delay from manufacturing being at 25% maybe delays overseas.... who knows.
I wouldn't be relying on Amazon for the immediate future, both of the above do apply to them at this time.
Maybe it’s a regional thing. We’ve used it a lot [for years] and all of our stuff is coming in. My copper compression sleeves shipped in two days. The second one was just delivered Friday and the expected date was Saturday so it was early.
Yes on all the above, and they stopped prime pantry a couple weeks ago. I went to order some Easter goodies for kiddo and everything but candy was 3-4 weeks for shipping. We'll make do with home made stuff. I hope we can get eggs, the stores were sold out last 2 times WWW went to the market.
We just receive one of our orders on Friday which was the date they gave us. We have another 1 or 2 coming in this week but we'll see if that is delayed, so far they haven't sent any emails saying the order dates are changed.
I don't care much for Amazon and don't usually order much from them...but had my brother use his Prime to order me a truck part last week...was supposed to come on Tuesday, but after ordering it said estimated arrival from Tuesday to ended up coming Wednesday. After it was already ordered I found out I could have gotten it off Ebay for $2 more and got it on Monday, Tuesday at the latest.
This is total bs. I’m delivering trampolines, treadmills, rugs, and anything else they sell. If those are essential, then what isn’t? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The other day, I had 2 cases of primo tp in my shopping cart and by the time I could check out someone “grabbed” them out of my cart!
Some stuff is listed as being a far out delivery date - most of that is stuff from China, so I just search until I can find an acceptable replacement that is in stock. As an example: when I started working from home on 3/17/20 I needed a headset for my cell phone; I attend a zillion virtual meetings each week and my headset from work hooks directly into a land line. Well, everyone and their brother was starting to work from home and a lot of the headsets were back ordered and not expected to be available until mid to late April. I just scrolled thru until I found a headset that had a 4-day turn and had decent reviews (for <$30, I'm not expecting 5star) and ordered that one. It was here within that 4 days. I even checked ebay before ordering and I couldn't even find one that I could get within a month. I don't buy food (well, cat treats) from them, so can't comment. Other stuff still has the 2 day receipt but I usually tell them get it to me when thy can, so I can get credits toward music or ebooks ad I still get it 4-6 days.. I think if it is in stock at the warehouse you are still good, but they are not restocking non-essentials at the same pace as they used to.
took 2 weeks for my last order to arrive. I always check ebay first, sometimes you can find it cheaper or faster delivery as well as not needing 25$ minimum order for free delivery, let alone delivery.. They did say they are focusing on essential items right now, moving shipping to other carriers for other items etc etc. ie: a few items did arrive via UPS instead of their prime delivery. Which is fine with me, Support UPS!!
have not had issues with out of stock items ,but have not ordered anything that would be in high demand but have noticed the shipping is a bit longer maybe 4-5 days for some items not the usual next day/2 day ,my gloves and case of 12 cans of cheese doodles are expected wed.