I had no idea this was a common thing either until I had a few friends have some problems with their mesh within the last year. One said he gets a sharp pain during some movement. The other friend has had more consistent pain. His surgeon just said that basically that happens sometimes, and "sorry." I had the mesh done orthoscopically for an inguinal hernia a few years ago, and it feels really good, and certainly way better than prior to surgery. I had put off the surgery for several years, but finally was having increasing pain if standing for long periods of time. My surgeon told me prior to surgery that it is elective, but the hernia will not heal itself and probably get worse. He gave me the option of sewing it up with an open procedure, or orthoscopically with mesh. I chose the later because he said the recovery would be much shorter, and the mesh is a stronger repair. I know one thing after reading this, if I ever need the other side done, I am requesting the same surgeon, assuming that might make a difference.
An update I finally went to a different medical group. The surgeon said 4% of hernia surgeries end in nerve damage and she thinks that’s what I have. I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow. I’m on some new meds which have helped a little. The surgeon thinks she may be able to fix this or at least do some things to lower the pain. If you are considering hernia surgery just know that you have a 4% chance of nerve damage which is quite low but it does happen.
Good info. So, nerve damage would equate to ......loss of feeling in the area? The general area where my incision is has been somewhat numb since I had the surgery. No real pain like yours though. Hopefully she can do something to help.