I've been looking at used saws on craigslist for a while and most everything I see is really well used, I'm being polite.. I found a pair of Husqvarna 372XP for sale. Both are trade-ins at a Tru-Value store/dealer. Both were originally purchased there. Both have new 20" Husqvarna bars and chains. Both are really clean. One has a 2018 serial number, the other a 2019. Both look like they're still brand new. Knowing that the local dealers are or were much closer to $900 or more for a similar saw, what says you all about the asking prices of $600 and $650.... keeping in mind they look like new with new bar/chain? I know you'll want to spend my money for me...
ErikR. I don't know Husky prices but my general saw buying questions would be to the dealer. why were they traded in?,Any warranty on them if you buy? What's your best price for both? (helping you spend your $$$)
It would be interesting to hear the history of those saws if, in fact, they know it. Perhaps somebody bought them in anticipation of being rewarded a contract that fell through. Even then, why buy for $900 each, sell them back for $500?? I know one would not get full retail for them unless they went unregistered but could get $750-800 all day long from online sell sites, CL and local classifieds. In the end, great price for a great saw(s). Have the dealer open them up and inspect away.
I’m far from a pro at saw pricing, or saws for that matter. Sounds good to me. Should ask why they have new bars on such new saws tho. Either the previous owner wanted to keep the bars or they have more miles than you think. Either way the 372 is one tough hombre. They havent gotten a good reputation because they fall apart in a few years I bought mine at a pawn shop. Obvious high mileage and rough abuse. Think it’s a 2004. A little tune up on the carb that was running three times richer than normal and it’s going strong. PS. I’d have them switch bar and chain again. No sense in running a 20” bar on that saw. Unless maybe it’s your only saw. There’s plenty of other saws capable of turning 20”. I have a 24 and 28” for mine. Just my opinion.
Not really a smoking “you suck” deal, but probably a fair price. I gave $240 for mine at a pawn shop.
ErikR , I think I paid $400 for my rebuilt 372xp x-torq, but that price was PHO & shipped from a known builder on AS. I dressed her in a 25" bar. She was well used and is no beauty queen. But, I think she is girl-next-door cute! LOL She is a strong runner and brings a smile to my face whenever I am in wood that is worth that class of saw.
372 is a legendary model, which means more money can be commanded when used. With that said, I think the prices you listed are at the high end of the used market. I'd say $400-$500 would be a great deal, and $501-$600 is an ok deal. I personally wouldn't pay $650 for a used 70cc class saw. My Dolmar 7900 when purchased in 2009 brand new was $650 out the door. Its a class above a 372. At that time, 460 Stihls were mid-high $800's and 385 Husky's the same.
I just reread the original post, I thought the asking price was $500. $600 is kinda steep, I’d probably try to get it down to 5 or pass
I'm really only interested in one... I don't need 2... The listing says that their customer usually ran a 16" bar on the saws.. ? seems like over kill, a 70cc with a 16"??? I'll call them later today and ask about the saw's story. Maybe there's some room to negotiate in the price? Isn't the 372xp being phased out and replaced by a 5 series saw? I had been looking at new Stihl saws, but I really don't want to spend that kind of $$$
The 572 is replacing the 372. Its already here (in the states). Similar features as the smaller 562 which has been pretty popular. Not sure how much longer the 372 will be around.
The 372 is NLA . You might find some at dealers who had a bunch . But , for at least a few months now , you can’t order them from Husqvarna .
ErikR, Stlshrk made a good point about a rebuilt saw which I honestly didn’t consider since they were so recently manufactured. If they are actually factory re-mans they would most likely come with some kind of warranty. But I can’t say that I have seen a factory re-man chainsaw, ever. Ask more questions!!!
I’ve never been able to get $600 for a clean xtorq 372xp. Usually settle for $500 or so. Rebuilt original 372’s bring $350 to $425. I prefer the non-strat 372’s, they seem to be more well mannered. That said, it’s very hard to find a clean older one, and the 372 has been discontinued for months, so finding a clean one is only going to get harder to come by. My dealer stocked up on them and he sold his last one in January.
I'm sorry, my timing was kind of off for this post and my ability to do any follow up. My wife had her 6 month check up and biopsy following her heart transplant, so I've been away from the computer for a while... But we're home now and we're waiting for the good news!! Her past biopsies have all come back showing no sign of rejection, this one should be fine too... fingers crossed. Anyways, I haven't been able to do any follow up on the used saws... but.... I did manage to stop at a different Husqvarna dealer about 45 miles from home. They still have 2 new 372xp's in stock. both with 20' bars. They had a price of $829.99 They also had one of the new 572xp's set up with 20", but that was $999.95 And FYI, good used saws seem to be few and far between around here for some reason. Maybe it's the time of the year? This is typical of what's near me. The add said, "...Saw was new this winter, little use...." Yea, it might have been new at the start of winter, but hauling it around in the back of your open truck all winter didn't do it any good.
Good to hear your wife is on the mend, amazing what they can do nowadays. It’s tough to have a bad case of CAD and no way to treat it, never any used saws around here either. But I’ve scored 2 from out of state in the last month or so. Should be good for a little while