So, last weekend I dropped some trees at a friend's place, and discovered an issue with the 280AV. Not sure of there's a "fix" for this or not. Had trouble starting it. The choke felt "odd", so I took the air filter cover and filter off. Found that the bent metal lever for the choke was popping out of the holding clip on the left side. It appears that clip has given up the fight, so when I try to full choke to start the saw, the lever pops out, and no choke at all. Pics.. Lever in clip.. Lever when trying to apply choke.. Any advice?? For what it's worth, Chazsbetterhalf has already authorized the purchase of an MS261, so there's that. I'd still like to salvage this saw though. Thanks guys.
So, first thing first.......go get the 261.....we'll wait. Someone else will come along to help with that little lever.
Might need to use a soldering gun and melt some donor plastic around that to captivate the chock rod..... I've fixed many a plastic chainsaw part in that manner....
What Scotty sure to add some plastic for additional strength. The 261's are very nice saws and to add one of those would be a win. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
Yes, moves freely, but then pops out of the clip. After that there is no choke adjustment. It also wanted to run "Wide Open Throttle" a couple times. I'm fairly sure one thing leads to the other. Scotty Overkill I will see what I can do. Not something I've attempted before. Haven’t used this stuff yet but it seems suitable.
I have seen a fix where the owner drilled a couple of tiny holes in the plastic behind the rod, then threaded some fine cable/wire (think kid's braces stuff) through them and looped over choke rod. Said it had been holding for over 10 years.
Found a good deal on FB marketplace if the locals don't snap it up. Heavier than a 261, but if the deal falls into my lap I'd be a happy hoarder.
I tried some...different brand, but same stuff...IMO its just like most "glue" has its place, but is overhyped. I'd fix as Scotty mentioned...melt a glob of donor plastic over/around it...does anyone know for sure what type of plastic the cases are? (PVC, ABS, etc?)
Oh, and just for clarification purposes, it's an 034AV... No clue where 280AV entered my brain. Maybe too many blue smoothies Nah, couldn't be that. Must be phone auto-"correct" Yeah, that's what it musta been.