Im working the other day. Fairly busy street thats a cut through to the main drag. I hear a scraping noise while im working then see cars swerving in the road to avoid something. Turns out to be a safety cone. Appears to have dragged then fell off a truck. I left it curbside and it went unclaimed. Ive been meaning to get one for when im scrounging roadside. Nice one with weighted rubber base and reflectors. Used it today even thought the road wasnt heavily traveled and my PU was visible from a distance.
That looks all official and stuff. If it helps keep people from slamming into your truck, it's gooder for all involved.
I have one of those that I use. I expect to be using it tomorrow, at my friend's place, whose trees were taken down. I'll snag a pic of it. Your basic cone shape, with reflective tape.
Yes, great move! I could've used one last week. I had to park on the street is the road and half of my truck was in the road. Four way flashers only go so far.
Flashing light for top of your truck and a hi viz vest, people might pull over asking you for your card = more wood!
I used 3 cones when I was loading my CL buy. Seemed to work, but a couple idiots still almost ran over them and me.
Safety is as safety does. Idiots don’t seem to listen to their mama’s about that too much but why they still live is a mystery to me.
You need a big safety sticker for the tailgate of the BuzzSawMobile: "Caution: This vehicles stops at all rail road crossings, wood piles and tree work areas."
Just FYI...that is actually what is known as a delineator...often used in a long line tapering to the left or right to merge traffic into another lane. Nice to find some "buddys" for it to hang out with... Traffic Delineators N-Top 42"H with 12 lb base, Set of