I was talking to a buddy about wanting to find a trailer to use in the woods behind my cub cadet. Well what do ya know he’s got one and said I could use it. It needs a new wheel or tire. I’d like to put some sides of some sort to make them higher than what is there. What else do y’all think?
Other than a bit of rust, looks good. Check the bearings while the wheels are off. Cheap to replace or repack.
In addition to what papadave says, I'd fit as wide of tires as you can on it. ATV Tires would be best, but something like these would probably be good too.
Yep larger tires. Need more height for any real woods use. Push come to shove you can weld those rims on to some larger ones. Crude but effective
Does that trailer have a manual dump system on it? Looks like some kind of release on the front of the trailer above the tongue.
Yep. Gonna have to Jack that baby way up. Then she’ll dump. Nice set of slicks on it. Keep the trail smooth too
I would get a little box tube the same size as the rails now and extend the sides up another 12 or 18 inches