yeah thats my marinade....i went a couple hrs on this batch,20-30 minutes do ya if in a hurry,these are about 3/16" thick and my marinade is strong,no need for long soak times.....its been tested. its beef bottom round roast....the flavor is better than a leaner cut. the stuff in the back is not for jerky.
So I'm going back to my old ways,I cooked for at least a year without T-plates,they went back in my fire box today
Mixed together they may be good, but for whatever reason I’ve never been much of a mesquite guy. I know I’ve used oak, but can’t recall when. Come to think of it, I use Hickory for everything it seems. Can’t recall the last time I’ve used anything else. I need to try others I suppose.
Anyone have a list of woods that can be used? Those to avoid? I have a bunch of 50 yr old apple chunked up into 1ft rounds. I need to split it and chunk it up.
Wife just went shopping and found smoking wood marked down, so it looks like she’s bringing home a bag of each of the following: Mesquite Cherry Apple Pecan As I said, I have plenty of apple...trailer load, have some hickory as well as some white oak. Looks like I’m going to have a good selection for some smoking. That worked out!!!