Working up my first scrounge in months. Looks like mullberry to me, what say u? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hoping not Elm. I would travel 40 miles One way for mullberry off the ground but not elm. . I need a score to help my itch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure. Fingers crossed I am wrong about elm, but mulberry I seriously doubt. Mulberry is usually much browner.
Nooooo....I don’t think 40 miles one way with tree off the ground for Elm is worth a trip. Ugh. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have burned a lot elm this year so far and it does pretty well. You just have to get it split up. Ouch.
Leaves look like holly. Not the leaves from the tree in question. I'm guessing mulberry from the yellow wood and the bark on the trunk.
I cant remember who sent it and im too lazy to find it but when i thought i had elm someone on here had sent me a closeup pic of the end grain and i used a magnifying glass and could easily solve the problem
It looks like mulberry to me. The color, the sapwood, and the bark look right. Here is some I got last spring for comparison.
Hmm, was thinking the same. I’ve never hoarded elm so this looks like mullberry to me as well. Great BTUs! Although, I’m not needing as much this winter Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We’re you working the kinks out of your system? You could always hoard it for the next year or three.
No, still haven’t fixed the problem but don’t need the OWB to run as hot this winter so it’s worked out great and saved me some repair $$$. I just haven’t needed to burn the high BTU stuff, although I have burned quite a bit of mullberry. Whooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk