I did up a few racks of beef back ribs the other day. A simple rub of kosher salt, pepper and a bit of garlic and spritzed with Guinness when the time was right. Smoked in my Bradley smoker for 5-6 hours at 200f-225f, although it took awhile for my old smoker to get over 200F. When they were done my meat probe went in like it would into a jar of peanut butter. Very tender and moist inside but these were also quite rich. I was happy with the nice layer of bark.
I did some lamb sprinkled with Montreal Steak Spice over hardwood lump charcoal last night. I should have taken it off a few minutes earlier as I overshot my temp a bit but it was still moist and very tasty.
Looking good! I love pork belly burnt ends. They are a popular addition I bring to some get togethers. Its interesting to note that with the people that I know, none of them have tried smoking these little gems. I picked up three pork bellies from my local grocery store a few days ago. I spoke with the butcher who said there arent to many people buying them so he is going to discontinue them for awhile.
They get a salt and brown sugar brine then rinsed and set in fridge till they get the tacky feel to them. The smoker is set at 180 and I take them off when they look good.