So there’s a new housing development going in the woods behind part of my neighborhood. The work is being done in 2 phases. June 2018 I heard the feller bunchers working in there. I was hopeful to get some wood out of it but they chipped it all. On Friday I heard that familiar sound again so I went in on foot this afternoon to check it out. It’s 95% oak and all really nice size trees...all going to be chipped again!
That is a shame. Anyway you can get a load or two or twenty without anyone knowing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s on my mind but the biggest issue is I have to go through phase 1 of the development and there’s about 10-12 homes occupied already.
I love a good easy score but I don’t think it’s worth the risk. I do have some friends who will have the cut come right behind their homes. Pretty sure I will cut wood for them but it would involve a wheelbarrow
So what? Just go. Make 15 cuts in 5 logs. Cut em into 4’ lengths. Then drag or drive em out on a weekend when there’s no work. All you’d be doing is saving them some work
The way they cleared and chipped during phase 1 tells me this will be a monster pile of chips by the end of the week
I would be pizzed especially the way you make firewood. Any way you can "bribe" the developer, tree/land clearing guy. Looks like a lot of primo stuff thats right up your alley!
That’s the worst. I’d get to it before they waste it all. I just watched them do that to an acre of hardwood by my work, mostly black locust. Took them about 3 days to do. I just can’t believe people throw away money because they’re too lazy to arrange for a log sale. I don’t think the monster pile of shredded trees has any value.
That’s to bad. It happens everyday. I’d try to talk to the people doing the work. In today’s world people are sue happy, with all the liability people deal with they may not let you cut.
I’m sure it’s just up to the land clearing company at this point. I did spend a few minutes looking for them on Friday but they must have called it quits early
If I could just get a Saturday and Sunday with one helper, I could get 10 cords out with my eyes closed
I should have taken a picture. It was shredded into what looked like 6” strips. Does that get chipped into mulch or sold for wood fiber? At the time all I could think is it was enough to heat several homes for years and they are probably going to have to pay to dispose of it.