10* here, they say it'll get cold later as the night goes on and for the next few days. A pic of some nice easy to get White Pine logs at the end of someone's driveway on the way to work the other night. And a pic of some regular visitors seen (11 total) in part of my stand of Bitternut Hickory.
3* above here. Not much wind to speak of. Sugar maple and a couple splits of black locust choochin here. As I sit here in front of the stove easing the air down for overnight, I'm sweating. Going to be pretty toasty in here in the morning!
8 F here at 9:20PM. A mix of Beech, Maple, and a little Spruce going in the Wood Gun for the overnight.
Like I have said before, I'm burning cottonwood and box elder. It's like 5 below. It looks like I should be out of wood in about a week or so. Not completely out of wood......just nothing left in the basement. There is more outside. I'm glad I installed a propane furnace by myself
7 degrees. Last load was at 8:30 last night. Woke up to 69 degrees on first floor (stove in basement).
-6 this morning. Brrr. Mostly Beech, a couple splits of Spruce, and a sprinkling of Rice Coal in the Wood Gun.
How do you move the heat from your basement? My stove does pretty well for the most part but I am thinking of putting in a cold air return. Right now I'm just using ceiling fans and one small fan blowing cold air toward the basement.
1° outside this morning when I woke up. 3° now. Was so tired last night and I let the stove go. Last load in was a half load for a hot burn probably around 7:00 o’clock. Didn’t intend to fall asleep early but oh well. Was 72° in the basement where the wood stove is at 6 o’clock this morning. 64° in the house directly above the stove and 59° on the far side of the house where the bedrooms are. 11 hours between last load and morning light and the house more or less held enough heat to stay very comfortable when it’s just about zero degrees out. I’ll take it! We like it a little cooler for sleeping so waking up to 59° was just fine. Not sure what I tossed into the stove last night for that last load but this mornings firing came up from coals on two pieces of hemlock kindling, and then beech, maple and a single piece of ash. Stay warm all.
Nicely done Woodsman. Just got up to 10 here. Was up with a sick kiddo so I threw some more logs on and kept it burning a bit longer. Fired back up from coals this morning.