Finally got my first 2020 scrounge, been going back and forth with this lady for months for some blown over black locust in her yard. Biggest hold up was waiting for the ground to freeze so I could drive right up to it. Haven't scrounged wood since last Spring, since I was overstocked! Felt great to be out this morning cutting in 15 degrees. Now temps are going back up today and next week, itll probably end up being another month before I can drive back there again. For that reason I took as much of the good stuff as I could. This will be 2023 firewood! Not sure I want to burn exclusive loads of BL so I might mix with the pile of ash.
AWESOME score love me some locust! Good size one too. The frozen ground is great isnt it woody5506 ? Hasnt been much of it down here. Of course now snow on top of it. How much more to get?
I know you've been into the locust lately too. I forgot how heavy the bigger chunks get...feeling that a bit now. Theres easily another truck load to get, and then a lot of scrap wood from it I'm really not interested in like just small branches and brush. I wish we would just get a good deep freeze here but it's just been the winter of mud so far.
Still got some bigger ones at her house that will put me to the test, more than likely will just have to noodle though. Noodling black locust seems kinda painful for the saw though..
i noodled a couple of the gnarly ones last week with my 261 (50cc) and it was tough. If they are straight grained should split rather easily, no? Dont quote me on that as i have less than two cords worth of experience with BL
Brad I'm using a 261 also. Nice saw but I just hate noodlin' big rounds. I cracked a couple of these medium rounds open yesterday pretty easily. I think some of this wood was partially dead anyway, plus it's been down about a year and a half now. More than likely will just try and buck these biggest logs then split in half, or at the very least just work my way around it til it's liftable.
I wont noodle "easy" splitting big rounds, just gnarly/knotty ones that make ugly splits for the most part. Processed a small pile of them like that yesterday here. Sometimes ill noodle part way and use the Isocore/Fiskars to finish it off. Rare occasions i get big rounds that wont half with the maul and in a pinch noodle away. Keep us updated with more pics!