That's a real slick set up fuelrod , good idea. I cut 24" & yea, the rounds get real heavy real fast.
Move the splitter by it so you can use it as a table for rounds. No bending to pick them up for splitting, unless you split the right (Dennis) way.
That yellow pile of junk right behind it is my splitter, just to the right is one of my wood racks. I have a little triangle I walk from the "table" to the splitter then to the wood rack. I set up right there where there was no standing water (it was a little tight) and needed to have room to put the logs on the table with the tractor otherwise I could load the table from the other side and have it closer to the splitter.
Yeah rubber gets heavy fast. I roll it up then toss the roll on top the pile and unroll it. Two people are better but one will suffice.
Wondering how your liking your firewood cutting table now that you’ve had a chance to use it awhile. If you were building a new one would you change anything? Improvements etc? I think it is a wonderful idea & am contemplating building one. Just trying to get ideas. Thanks for sharing!
About 10 years ago, I bought a couple loads of oak slabs. I threw together a saw buck and cut up all those slabs. Since that time, there have been no more slab purchases. If I don't buy some this summer, I'm gonna throw that morphydite looking thing onto the pile for the fire pit! The one you built sure does look a lot nicer and serves it purpose well!
Wow nice contraption. Without reading all the comments, I hope you get a video of you doing this. Looks awesome!
I like it and so far I haven't seen any changes that would be needed. I've used the tractor or the excavator in the past for bucking logs, but ya still need to pick the rounds up, I feel kinda stupid running several motors at the same time, and I'm apparently a little "add" as I like to jump around - saw a little, split a little and stack a little. I find that pulling rounds from a pig pile tends to be a p.i.t.a, and can make for a long walk carrying back the splitter so yes, I do like the table. I'll load it with 3-5 logs depending in the size, saw the log on the splitter side of the table, then split and stack it right on to the rack. My "hydraulic helpers" are key to this set up. Having a tractor to bring the logs to the table, and then to carry off a loaded rack and place an empty one back at the splitter makes moving both the splitter and the table unneeded.
I found this fellow on the you tube. He has an interesting set up as well. He tells you more about it towards the end of the video.
FatBoy85 and Farmchuck it’s not that he can’t do a video it’s that his internet would take 4 days to load it!! high speed in the north is a lil better than dial up