Oh man, if that were mine you would know. It would be made of mud and garbage like all my other heaters. Hahaha. It's gorgeous though, isn't it?
That looks awesome.... Here is a pic of my basic unit, I love working in the backyard with it fired up burning cedar....
This was the setting of the firebox base. Tied front wall to rear wall with rerod, then poured over the ties.
Got to spend most of the day on the fireplace. Firebox is to full hieght, awaiting a method to taper it into the flue. Stuctural block is about as high. I started to lay stone and that will be the only effort until the stone is near the top of the structure.
That wall is amazing! Must have taken a whole lot of cold ones to get that thing up. Fireplace is coming along great man!
There are many Yingling botttle caps burried in that wall! There was about 3 months of "when I can" hours in that event. My back still hurts from it. Speaking of backs, mine hurts again from an all day effort on the fireplace. Can't wait until I am a couple feet off the ground so I can stand up!! Ground level stone work is a PITA!
Yes. All stone was hand picked, and quite a few showed up as I HAND DUG the build area. Used a spade shovel to cut into the berm and used the excess to back fill.