Hahaha..that is sweet! Hadn't seen that before...as weird as those ddp commercials are, i have to admit they get my attention and make me laugh/wonder/shake my head.... If only it wasnt diet...
I was just saying the same exact thing! A fun set of commercials that don't make me want to shut off the TV, for a product that I will never buy!
You guys drink the real Dr. Pepper? You're going to get diabetes! Actually... what made me think of that is a guy I know who has had two heart attacks in one year. Skinny as a rail. He told me he drinks four 2-liter Dr. Peppers every day. My jaw dropped and I asked him if he has any idea how much sugar that is. Of course, he did not. I did and said "I think it's 9 teaspoons of sugar for every 12 oz can. So, figure that one up, how are you not dead," lol? This was before he had his first heart attack. Anyway, I said man, "you are cookin some diabetes in there!" I think he told me he wrote Dr. Pepper and told 'em how big a fan he is, thinking they would send a year's supply or something due to his loyalty.
Ive seen that one and chuckle at it. Havent drank soda in years and it used to be diet. Strictly seltzer now and mostly in the warmer weather. Coffee with cream and sugar please! my preferred beverage.
so drinking aspartame tainted diet pepper will make you short, undersized, purple and "sweet" ? no thanks why does anything have to be sweet anyway ? you don't need sweet anything, you need water
Ingesting sugar does not “give you diabetes”. Diabetes is an underlying condition of the body’s inability to process sugar. So if you have diabetes it might appear that drinking soda “gives you” diabetes but the condition is already there. It is just manifested when you put sugar in your bloodstream.
Unfortunately, if you are overweight and your sugar rich diet is exacerbating your weight problem you will more likely than not struggle with type 2 diabetes. There IS a cause and effect. Remove the excess sugar from your diet, exercise, lose some weight and type 2 diabetes problems can and do go away. Like anything else in life, there are no guarantees.
water kills .... anyone who drinks water will die.... Thats what I keep telling the wife so I can have more coffee !!!
I am no expert by any stretch but I am talking about type II diabetes, adult onset. I was under the impression that the long-term excessive intake of carbohydrates ramps up the occurrence of type II due to the chronic spiking of insulin within the body. My friend who drinks the four 2-liter bottles of DP per day, that is just begging for disaster. That intake of sugar is nuts and that is just the DP, alone. All of that, and he smokes. Glad he's still here but I sure hope he has a doctor who has a clue and he makes some changes. I am one who does not think (most) fat is bad, that sugar is the cause of the rise in obesity and diabetes in this country. Both are crisis situations, the stat trends are off the chart! Now, I hope to see the commercial tonight as LSU beats Clemson to complete the dream season of all time!