those are concrete culverts for fish structures. still have more structures to put in. they were FREE!
I think the drains will be fine. An important consideration is limiting the amount of nutrients that enter the pond. Excessive nutrients from fertilizers, feces (geese, etc.), leaves and such can create nutrient overload which can cause excessive algae. Some algae is inevitable and even desirable, but you don't want too much. If your drains will carry any excessive nutrient loads, I would divert them somewhere else, otherwise no worries. You may also want to talk to someone who is knowledgeable about planting locally native, wildlife valuable, desirable plants in and around the pond so you get what you want and not what just shows up. Good luck.
Little update. Last weekend we got seed and straw down.was quoted 1600 to have some one do it. We rented a blower and but seed and straw for less than 800. Pond is at about 3’ or so... only 10’ to go! Lol This isn’t even all the wood from where the pond was at.. I still have about 3-4 truck loads to bring over
Nice pond, those guys knew what they were doing, finished it out very neat and clean looking, money well spent.
update thats long overdue! This was from this past summer. My dad have a pretty sweat drone, i asked hime to get some shots of the property.
we haven't skated on it yet. We have had a pretty mild winter so far. We did stock the pond earlier this year! its pretty cool seeing the fish swimming around. Hopefully this summer ill be able to get a dock built for it.
Very nice looking pond. Do you put something in your water to get that blue? Here our herons would be all over that if the fish can be seen easily. Docks will add so much more versatility to the pond. I put a cable across our pond and used a deer feeder with a timer and solar charger on the battery and had it set to go off twice a day to feed the fish as a new pond really doesn't have much food in it. Had it on a cable clamp and pulled it with a rope to shore to fill. Did that for two years, really helped everything get off to a good start.
My question is how do you keep the ducks and the herons out of it because once those get an In it you end up with a lot of leeches..
He could take a picture of it on a cloudy day and the water would be (more) grey. Or at night and it would be even less blue.