Beef stew in the Dutch oven.. great afternoon for a fire and stew. Hoping the rain holds out till later on tonight.
Yesterday’s Tailgating... Filled Mushrooms... Jalapeño Poppers... Bacon.... Bone in Rib-eyes.... and brownies....
... I forgot about posting it till I was making another round....... this is Dad cooking it in the oven. I use the smoker at 180-200 for about 4 hours... then I bump it to 225 till the internal temperature hits 152 F.... then either water bath it or stick it in the cold outside air to rapidly cool it down... to stop the cooking process....
Planning to grill some steaks later, or some apple wood I split up into small pieces. Going to use the base of my weber bullet smoker.
That is the recipe I use also. Good recipe. My rolls are a little fatter than use. Mine end up a little bit bigger than a Ritz cracker. Been trying to think of what I could use to pack the meat in and then slip them out. One of the thoughts I had was a PVC pipe lol.
Have made a very similar recipe many times in the distant past. We did it in the oven but at lower temps not the 350* in your recipe. We used temps like in your smoker. Glad you included this as I will whip some up shortly (minus the liquid smoke) but use the smoker like you did! Thanks for reminding me of it!
Came out just fine. Bottom of smoker. After the steaks came off Camera phone never takes good pics of flames or coals. My plate. Tenderloin steak, home-made mac-n-cheese, onions & mushrooms, and trees. Washed down with -
All we do is take a sheet of saran wrap lay it down on the counter. Lay it length ways from left to right...Put the glob of meat on in the center but about 1/4 of the width towards you. Start a rough log look. Grab the right and left side fold it over the meat, till it touches the saran wrap usually 1/2 the width. Take your hands (form a C) and start pulling into the log with your fingers. Then roll it to the end of the saran wrap. I take my left hand and start turning the extra saran wrap till it good and tight against the left side... Tuck it underneath the log. The start kneading with both hands left to right and right to left. This packs and gets some of the air pockets out. Then once you it to the size you want... Do the exact same thing on the right side.. But this time you want to get nice and tight against the end..and tuck it underneath... Then I knead it again, to get as nice of log as you can get... It will flatten out a bit over night.
Even on the smoker, I still use the liquid smoke... Yea the 350 F was what Dad always used, but with my lower temps and stopping it at 152F internal temps they are definitely a lot more moist... But I never complained back then.... Never knew any better....