Some may remember I had a thread on purchasing a dump trailer a while back. After thinking about it, I am at a crossroads as to what to do. I have the following trailers, all single axles: CAM 5x10. Rated to carry approx. 2200 lbs. The trailer is 5x10 The A frame is 3" x 3/16" true C channel 2" x 2" x 3/16" angle iron side rails and crossmembers The axle is 2.375" diameter (3,500 lbs.) There are 4 leaf springs per side ST205/75R15 load range C 6 ply tires 2" ball hitch 5/4 x 6 pine floorboards Crossmembers are 2' apart Weighs about 750 lbs empty No brakes The next trailer is 5x10 single axle. Rating unknown The A frame, side rails, and crossmembers are all 4" x 3/16" true C channel The axle is 3" diameter (5,000 lbs.) There are 8 leaf springs per side 8-14.5 load range F 12ply tires Pintle hitch 1.5" thick x 10" oak floorboards Crossmembers approx. 2' apart Estimating it weighs about 900 lbs empty Has brakes Note the boxes, which are nice for chainsaws, oil, gas, chains, wedges, pickeroon, cant hook, etc, etc, but they hang low to the ground requiring a pintle with a rise of at least 4"-6". Finally, I have this also unknown make trialer. This one is 6'4" wide x 10'long. The trailer is 6'4"wide x 10' long 3" C-Channel frame, approx 3'3" apart 8-14.5 load range F 12 ply tires, one is flat Ball hitch Estimating it weighs about 750 lbs empty One large/thick leaf spring per side, like a mobile home has I believe the axle to be a 5-6k axle. It was obviously used to carry vehicles despite it not being very heavily built Which trailer would you keep and use? My main uses are transporting bulky items that wont fit in the frontier bed, like my 8' snowplow, rear 3 point implements, garden tractors, etc. As well as firewood. My thoughts are: The CAM is the best all around trailer, but only has the lightest duty frame, axle and tire assembly, and isnt wide enough for several of the gts i use. The 5x10 tilt trailer is the heaviest built, but isn't as wide as id like, and has the boxes which can get hung up on uneven ground The 6.4x10 has the right width, and a heavy duty axle and tire assembly, but the frame is mediocre None of them dump....should I sell them all and get one dump trailer? Decisions.....
I would keep the gray one and buy a dump trailer. I face a similar conundrum. Having one trailer sounds good in some ways and in others, not so good. But I have two locations, home and my woodlot.
The trailer will be for on road use only. I do have 21 acres, and harvest a lot of my wood from my own land, but I use this 4x6 off road dump trailer to do that stuff. A 5x8 version of this that was road legal would be perfect.
I don’t have a rear remote. Not sure I’d want to plug anything into it if I did Hahahaha. Nice little trailer. I like it. Would be good behind the atv.
Yeah, its super handy. I've had it stuffed full of fresh cut Red Oak, and it handled it like a dream. Its rated to carry 2000 lbs, but I know I've had more like 3000# on it several times. I added sideboards to maximize the loads. The trailer is built like a little tank, weighs 850# empty. My Ford doesn't have rear remotes either, only the Kioti does. I plan to come up with some way to give the Ford that ability though.
we haven't bought a dump trailer yet , but all of our equipment trailers that we have purchased in the last 8 years believe about 6 of them have been PJ Trailers from Tourbillon Trailers, 401 Snake Hill Rd, North Scituate, RI 02857. We have had absolutely no issues at all and seem to be holding up very well even with salts: sodium chloride, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride. That corrode metal. here in NE might want to check in to them to see if they have something you are looking for. I have no affiliation with them but they have good pricing and are easy to deal with. and usually have a yard full of stock.
Their prices do look good. Dump Trailers | Tourbillon Trailers and Plows | Utility, Equipment, Cargo, Dump, Stock , Horse Trailers, Truck Beds, Snow Plows & Sanders in RI, MA,CT & Servicing all of New England Another consideration Is finding a dealer in NH and not paying taxes
On my Diamond 5x10 for the same price as their 5x10 tandem I also got ramps, tarp and 2 way tailgate.
I need a dump trailer as well just keep choking on prices - even used ones- which of the several I have looked at I would not purchase - bent axels, bad enough with tandem axels and tire scrubbing without adding yet another issue.
Pretty hard to find a decent (and decently priced) used dump trailer. They're either almost new and priced like new, or so badly beat up, its almost scrap metal. Seems a decent new trailer in the size I need will be anywhere from $3,500 to $5,000. It is a lot to spend, especially if you only plan to use it for homeowner type stuff like I do. I guess I've been spoiled by some good deals. The little Super tilt was $350, and it came with 3 Ford suitcase weights I had been looking for. The weights were actually why I bought it. Once I started using it, I realized how handy it was.
but once you buy one you will wonder how you ever lived without it. In your case it seems a 5x10 single axle might be the ticket. Go into the woods, load it and pull it all the way home.
I have a bri-mar 5×8 and find myself constantly overloading it. 3000lb axle and I stack close to a cord of wood on it. The axle kinda bows from the weight which is a concern. My plan is to go bigger before that trailer is ruined.
I too, with only a single axle 5x12 Lone Wolf, am in the market and have researched extensively, leaning towards the Leonard 6x12 Deluxe. All I have to proffer is I would not ever consider single-axle in a dump trailer and if means allow, always go at least one size larger than you think you need. Kind of like gun safes if you know what I mean?
I have access to a couple different 6x10 10,000lb dumps, one of them is a deck over that has fold down sides. It's the perfect height for unloading firewood by hand as I normally stack it rather than dump and pick it back up off the ground.
hmnn. All dump bodies come with the auto feed stacking feature. Why fold down the sides? one of my worries was the sides would want to fold on these trailers even when not designed to. Must say they’re tougher than I thought they would be.
Completely agree. I looked for years and debated new or used and different brands. The dump trailer reduces my labor, reduces wear and tear on my truck, frees up my truck for other uses and gets used more than my landscape trailer.