We need a small GTG at one Of Your houses in Massapequa Park. I’ll make the 15 minute drive and slum it on the south shore
I would like the hoarders to unite for a hoardfest. We can spend the day trying to hoard as many varieties as we can. A well diversified woodfolio is of the utmost importance
MikeyB were u at the hoard on ocean avenue at all in august? I met a couple of fellow hoarders there. I dont believe they were sick enough to be a part of a hoarders forum but they loved firewood none the less.
Small world man. Your by Eastlake school, my son plays basketball there once and a while. I’m on Roosevelt Ave by McKenna school.
Missed that’s one. We looked at a couple of houses on Ocean &Philly. Love those wide blocks there. Lived on Lakeshore Drive for 9 years before moving into Mass school district. I had the Preserve as my backyard on Lakeshore drive. It’s a great town.
When Im riding through the preserve Im always thinking of ways to possibly hoard all of those fresh downed trees without getting a ticket. I havent hoarded yet but a man can only take so much.
Small world. I lived in Massapequa south of Sunrise Hwy Rt 107 and spent many days playing in the Tackapausha Preserve. After WWII my Dad built a house on Cherry street moved when I was 12.