I have a Coleman Powermate 1800 generator with a Subaru engine on it and I’m thinking of getting a second one about the same size. This one has been great but it starts hard after sitting awhile and since those engines aren’t being built anymore I think it might be wise to have a backup and a little additional power. I’m thinking Honda is still the best but I’d prefer not to spend that much, so I’m looking for input here. Does anyone else have a generator that’s comparable but less expensive? What would you buy?
For my money, it is hard to beat the Generac and set them for fully automatic operation. In our case, I really was struggling with generators and then I had a bad situation that ended me up in the hospital and not knowing for sure I would get out of there alive. I had been thinking of a new generator and for sure electric start, but then I was imaging my wife struggling with it if I were not there. We had a new Generac operating within a few months and have been happy ever since.
For the money , Champion gensets are hard to beat .Also ,have a look at NorthernTools . They make some relatively reasonably priced Honda powered gensets .
You're not going to want hear this, but I think Honda is the only way to go. I have had a 2000 watt Honda since 2011. I change the oil every year, and it has never failed to start. It's used mostly for power in a barn with no electricity, probably 25 hours a year. I cried when I spent the $1000, but haven't cried or cursed since!
I have heard good things about Champions and even Predators, but there is nothing like a Honda. I have the EU3000is and it is a beautiful, quite, economical unit. We've recently had several power outages. During the last one, it ran for 17 hours, powering refrigerator, freezer, TV, lights & microwave (or hair dryer, but not both). It burned about 2 gallons of gas in Eco mode.
There is nothing like a Honda. That said, the Harbor Freight generators with the Predator engines are quite a good value. I believe the Predator engines are almost as good as the Hondas, but the rest of the components wrapped around the engine are a little less rugged. That said, they remain a good value for the buck.
Had an old Coleman that was a bear to start from day one. It worked ok but pulling till I was blue in the face didn't cut it. Bought a new 8000 watt generac 3/18. Electric start. Haven't needed it since we bought it. Just fired it up and put a load on it. Just in case. I have looked at the HF size comparable to the Honda's for our camper and they don't look bad
Based on what you have now, I would look at inverters. The really low gas consumption is gold in a longish outage. If you don't want to spring for a Honda, or a Yamaha, Champion has a decent rep. We have a 3200w Lifan made inverter. Was leery about quality but couldn't pass up the deal. It has been through a few outages now, but so far so good. Had to stop using the electric start though. I think the solenoid stuck on it - starter started spinning one time when I went to start it & kept spinning after it started until it killed the battery because I couldn't get it disconnected in time. Sourced a solenoid on Ebay but haven't got around to changing it. Before that we had a 6000w Craftsman. It worked really good, but man it sucked fuel like no tomorrow. When Dorian came through back in September, our power was out for over 6 days. The first day, there was no gas available anywhere within a 40 minute drive. So ya, fuel consumption is a biggie. Unless you really take a big $$ plunge & go whole house auto start tied to a big LP tank. Which isn't very portable - if you might want to use one elsewhere.
On a somewhat related note, I recently bought an old McKissic chipper/shredder that has a Lifan (HF) 6.5 hp motor. It is a copy of a Honda, and has apparently had a hard life, having been on a mini-bike before the chipper and who knows what before that. It starts first pull, every time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts everyone. I settled on a Honda EU2200I with the intention of buying a companion unit later if I decide I need to run most of the house. I’m mostly worried about the refrigerator and the sump pump when necessary, which can go years without running. Quality and proven reliability won in the end.
Look out for mice... ... they love the plastic wire jackets... ... store the genny in a mouse proof box, if it's out in a shed, etc. That's a great genny, btw...
And can't over state treating your fuel with "stable", the marine (blue) version is what I use. If you're actually going years between use, close off the fuel and run it dry and drain the tank. I think those Honda's have a very "tight" enclosure, but it always amazes me where I find evidence of those little f 'ers!
No kidding! I’ve dug them out of a couple car heaters. Last one was plastered all over the inside of the fan in the wife’s Subaru. She didn’t notice until it started to smell and it was pretty dry thankfully by the time I got to it. I put a couple layers of hardware cloth over the intake after that. They chewed the hood insulation up pretty bad also.
We had the Honda 1000 version of your new genny, and mice got inside that "tight" enclosure and totally filled it with tiny seeds... and then chewed the wiring harness to the point, it was useless. The Honda service folks said it would cost more to replace the harness than the cost of a new gen... .
The only pic I could find of the seeds Maina ... this was about 1/100th of what poured out at the cabin, when I first opened the case. I thought I'd dumped all of them out there... but when I got home and really pulled the case apart, they just kept comin. Unreal. Reeeelly dislike meeses... I couldn't get the engine to start, after cleaning things up, and got the good news about the harness, at the Honda shop the next day...
I have the champion 4500 watt generator. Powering a house during an outage I was getting about 11 hours a tank of gas. I use e free fuel with startron stabilizer and have never had a problem with it starting.
Man I can’t like that Stinny. Little bastids! I know there was an issue with wire insulation made of soy for awhile and manufacturers have addressed it supposedly. I know my wife’s ‘16 Subaru hasn’t had an issue yet and the ‘05 was crawling with mice every year.
Had a snowblower that looked like this last year them little Rat Bastages chewed thru the gas line, pull cord and pooped and peed on everything else!