we split over 37 cords this year so for and not a quarter way threw what top are still laying around.
no might sell little bit next year just feeling neighbors wood shed up and trying get couple years ahead
Welcome to the forum yamadog. When you say 37 cord, are those true cord or face cord? That is a lot of wood if you are not selling! Congratulations.
Lots a lot of hard work. What part of PA are you from? The wood lot I work on might be getting logged soon. 90% of the trees cut would be over 24" DBH
central , should make alot if wood this property only had 1 spot like that that was only 2 acers worth and alot of big tops there
WOW! Impressive amount of wood and work! Nice there is no snow either! How recently was the wood felled? Any time restraints on getting it out or can you cut at your leisure? Welcome to the FHC yamadog ! Great to have you join us!
this spring they finsh up and no time the owner getting the other half he help i just a little younger then him