That was at the local compost site, I never got a chance to grab it. The City actually locks the gate to the site. On the bright side they at least allow you to cut and remove wood.
Nice looking wood whatever it is. Bark and twigs say ash to me as well, but never seen it with dark heartwood like that. Looks like a good source if you have time to cut some. The dump here wont let you cut, but new company running it will let you take wood now. Welcome to the FHC SammyWhammy Nice to have you join us!
I think there are at least 2 species there. If you have Much Ash around you will get to know that distinctive, opposing branches they have that you can see in your pictures. I’m not sure what the other wood is.
Some of the ash that I find around my neck of the woods has a darker center like that. After it’s split and dried out, it lightens up considerably. It’s kinda weird. My tree guy that get wood from said he never used to see the darker ash, but sees a lot of it now for some reason.
I'm glad that places like that let people get wood. Makes more sense than just burning it there in the open.
I tried to cut up there, they wanted me to get a permit from the BE city hall. Never ended up doing that.
Our city has a wood lot they take downed trees from city parks and property to. You can pay $75 for a cord and get what you want. They usually have junk but sometimes there's ok wood in there. A new business development is being planned and prepped a few miles from my place. It's on 10 acres and they just downed a couple dozen elm and locust trees. A lot of good rounds in there. I was going to ask about the wood the other day and when I get there, ALL the wood was gone.... no clue where it all went but i was bummed...
I never went through City Hall, I just asked the attendant and they were good with it. Winnebago has a nice one too and they leave theirs open.
Its sad thinking about places like that burning good wood when theres people freezing this time of year. I know i would be picking up sticks on the side of the road if i had to but sometimes people cant do that for other health issues. I wish places like that would donate the wood.
I'm sure they’re afraid of someone getting hurt and the pending lawsuits. I’m sure everyone would gladly sign a wavier releasing them from any liability. It’s a shame that common sense is no longer common