Love em and using them as my mix for the short pellets I am burning . Will be taking a trip up to see Henry soon but have to head up to Vermont to claim my ton of Vermont's and take a tour of their plant .
Try burning the wood and sons separately, so you can fully appreciate them, they’re really good. If they appear to feed more quickly than you'd like, adjust the feed rate accordingly until you get to the point where you feel comfortable with the consumption rate. Expect you won't realize any heat output decrease. If you like to mix pellets just to have something to do to pass the time, well then feel free to do so anyway. Also note: By the time you get some wood and sons, they may not be the short pellet that some have seen this season. Think they are work to make them more in the 1/2 - 3/4 range.
I have been burning fsu since I can’t find anything other then green supreme northeastern blend. Happened to find those at a hd in Albany and went back a few weeks later and they didn’t have anymore. So thinking I’m going to go to a pellet guy about 30-45 min away and get some. I’m kinda torn between trying easy blaze softies and mantra. I was thinking of picking up some northern warmth purple bags to try. He wants 8.80 a bag for those nw purple or $400 a ton. The mantra and easy blaze are both $325 a ton. He has lacrete in 1.2 ton pallets so 60 bags would be $384. Is the extra $75 worth it with nw purple? Heard they are really clean and hardly ever have to clean your stove.
You will not be disappointed Sub its a wonderful mix and an exceptional burn . You burn a lot less and lower amount and heat output than I do so yeah try some Woods & Son by themselves but also try the mix its what is working perfectly for me.
I was happy with the heat but somewhat surprised on the ash output as it was much higher than I had expected. Perhaps I got a bad batch as now that I think of it I was somewhat disappointed by the ash output. I have no problem with the cheddar cheese smell as somehow I kind of like it , the Eagle Valley pellets use to have that smell.
Phew! Local dealer here still has Heartland, they have run out in years past. This year we did not get our usual tonnage ..... Getting by on Rocky Mountains since we ran out, ICK. 60 bags on Saturday, hopefully 2 pallets but not sure my Duramax can handle it...... Too much of a pain in the rear to borrow husbands trailer from work, business partner is a douch bag.
Easy Blaze softies Good hot burn but experiencing clinkers yup clinkers Haa not sticking to the burn pot but forming on the front of the burn pot and scrape away without any effort but pushes the flame to the glass. Super hot pellet I like , no fines in the bags I like, and great packaging I like just burns a little dirty with the clinkers. All in all not disappointed at all good hot burning softwood. Almost forgot they do seem to burn longer than your typical softwood .
Yeah was surprised myself when I heard it the first time I cleaned back the ashes and having just cleaned my stove (no ash in the pan) I heard them hit the pan "clink clink" hard formed ash clinkers good size to
Matra's this week such a nice pellet as far as ash content rivals the only doug fir's I have tried , did turn down the feed rate as I do now realize after just burning easy blaze for a week they burn a lot quicker then the easy blaze and not due to the pellet size EB are a bit smaller pellet. Feed rate is on 3 working good for the Matra's.