I was cutting Asplundh wood last week. A guy stops and asks if i wanted the wood they left in his yard right up the street. Like the old Grey Poupon commercial I replied "but of course"! Got his permission to cut and park in his driveway. I didnt have exclusive rights to it though and drove by Tuesday to see it any was taken. None to my relief. He had posted a sign as well. Had to make room at my friends so ive been SS there so i can get to this. Good heaping load this afternoon. Really felt the weight driving the ten minutes to my friends. Maybe 2 1/2 hours to cut and load. Lots of smaller rounds. The stump is 30". I didnt feel like wrestling the big long trunk or chunks and figured no one else would so i took the easier primo stuff first. First two pics from last week. 261 went through just over a tank of gas. Had the 460, but didnt need it. Not sure if and when ill go back I was leaving nuglies and cookies as leftovers by to the stump for the next scrounger! Ive been having a FHC Thanksgiving feast on Asplundh wood for over two months now!
I stick my head out the window. Luckily there is no bugs this time of year!!! I didnt realize how much of a heaping load it was til i looked at the first two pics of the load i had last week. Level load.
Do you think that Asplundh bounty is like a once every multi-decade year thing or ??? I've never seen such cutting of large trees as what you have up there.
Four years ago they did the same only a LOT more. I couldnt get a load of wood to save my life. A fleet of trucks in all the nearby neighborhoods. The land is mostly developed with houses so trees and power lines galore. We had a hurricane in 2011 (Irene) then two months later a freak snow/ice storm which crippled parts of the state. Since then they have been doing this. Interstates, state highways and local roads. This time they are cutting on the state highway (we live on one) and the side roads. jo191145 had explained what power companies are doing. Maybe he can chime in.
Everybody’s cutting trees in Ct. In my area it’s Gypsy moths and EAB striking at the same time. Lots of dying trees being cleared on the roadsides. Last two years the utility’s, towns and state were hiring every tree cutter out there to knock down roadside trees in the normal fashion. Lately near me the state has gone full pro which isnt great for hoarders. They’ve hired a company that comes along with articulating feller bunchers and cut the tree down in one piece. Whack off the big stem and another self loading dump truck comes behind and takes the trunk. Then there’s a huge chipper that comes behind and eats the entire top and spits it into the woods. Some very impressive equipment but the wood is gone by the time the train moves by. They certainly seem to be very proactive in Brads area. Not as much near me. Seems to be two different approaches to it.
Smart taking the easy stuff first. With a sledge and a couple of wedges, those big, too heavy to move rounds are about 30 seconds away from being nice easy to load quarters.
Finished splitting all the oak from this load and the prior white oak score. Had to get more pallets too. Have enough room for about another cord at my friends. Each stack is maybe a face cord they filled three plus rows. Need to cut a PU full or two of oak to fill it out. My goal before years end. Still a couple Asplundh mounds of oak close by.