41ºF outside right now. Nice sunny day and Solar gain on the south side of the house but not enough to warm up the north side of the house where the stove is. Had some errands to do today so brought some oak in and that's in there now. One of the errands was Walmart and what we went there for wouldn't scan at the Black Friday price so we just left everything there at the register and walked out. We tried to do some Black Friday brick and mortar shopping, didn't work out.
33F here & calm. Supposed to rain again over the weekend.Not getting any firewood made in this weather. Catalpa & Oak in the boiler.
Worked from home today, fed the stove a 3/4 load of silver maple around 5:30, and a few pine splits at supper time. Think it'll be silver maple again over night. Getting ready for the first real snow of the year Sunday into Monday - got orders to work from home on Monday too, and may even follow them this time! I usually only like to do it on Fridays, but my boss is a hard last to argue with.
I'm currently in northern New Hampshire, the place I call home, though not the place I live, yet. Temps in the teens now, mid single digits by morning. Clearest star filled sky I've ever seen after a great day out hiking. All warm by the fire now.
28ºF outside Pine fire so far, ready to put some oak in. I'm going to have to get some wood closer to the house. Some Winter weather threatening.
26f feeling like 12f here. It is nice to have these mild temps to deal with. The storm hits this evening. The warnings were posted last evening already with some portions of the region "upgraded" to a blizzard warning.
We’re close enough to the coast so we get it from that direction also. We still have 20 mph winds this morning, blew hard all night.
18 feels like 9 with the wind, but nice and sunny. Looks like I’ll be taking the chipper off the Kubota and putting the snowblower on tomorrow. 6-10” prediction for Monday. You lucky folks south of us are supposed to get even more.
Woke up to 32F at 7:00. Supposed to be rain coming, cold damp NE wind is very unpleasant. Dropped 3 Catalpa splits in the boiler. Getting ready for our big family Thanksgiving get together at church. Rent the building every year. I'll be stuffed full by 1:30 lol.
31f now with 2" of snow overnight, with more expected today mixed with rain, then snow tonight and through the early afternoon tomorrow. Duluth and parts up the north shore expecting 18-24" with Lake Superior enhancement.