If there were a game that existed, related to firewood. Would you be interested? I have been thinking about a game related to firewood hoarding that would take place over a 1 year time span and be sorta like the Oregon Trail. The idea is that you would have various periods of time to do certain things to ensure you can heat you home for the year. In the early period of time you might have a certain amount of money, time and resources to forage for wood, or purchase wood, or purchase tools to make our foraging more fruitful. Eventually it becomes fall/winter and you have to start using the various wood you purchased or foraged (with the correct BTU's/cord of course for the various woods). Maybe you could spend some of your money and/or resources on upgrades to your wood stove or fireplace or house to make it more efficient. Then during the cold months you'd have to use your firewood and make it through the winter without running out. There would be cards to draw for "Polar Vortex", or "Arctic Blast" and whatever else silly terms the weatherman come up with that would require more wood. Maybe there would be quality of life points and if you lose too many quality of life points because the temperature in your house is too low your wife threatens to leave you. Whoever makes it though through the winter with the highest quality of life points wins. I am halfway joking, but halfway serious. If such a game existed, would you be interested? If such a game existed, which medium would you prefer? 1. Board Game 2. Mobile App Game I am a software developer by trade, but firewood hoarding and burning is my passion. I have seriously thought about creating such a game, but am curious if there would be any genuine interest in such a game and whether it would be preferred to have it as a physical board game, or a digital mobile app. If there is genuine interest, I might actually do this.
I'm thinking it would sell. Maybe not a massive hit. But Poplar no less. Might want to rethink the wife leaving thing. Possibly a bonus ?
I like this idea, maybe like a hunting game. You identify woods, look for leaves or fruits or nuts, take pictures etc. then buy saws and axes and stuff. I think this could really be onto something. I know there was a silly app for something like this but I feel like someone who could be more skilled into this could make a better app and make us do the virtual reality stuff. Careful though, some of us could forget to do the real thing in replacement of this. Might be fun though. What could turn into an app may even turn into a branching out of our very own FHC app games and maybe even more?
I think an app game wood do better than a board game. Great, my wife isnt gonna be happy if im playing wood games now
It could be very entertaining. But there are so many variables, it couldn't work as a real predictive tool about how much wood you would need to get through the winter. Best to make it fun and humorous.
Interesting. "Bombogenesis" needs to be in there somewhere. Not sure how different climates would work into it.
Oh yeah, totally. Definitely not a predictive game. It would be firmly tongue in cheek and not take itself seriously at all. There would be plenty of ash innuendo courtesy of FHC.
At the start of the game maybe you can choose one of several places to live. Each place would have a stat sheet, average temperatures, types of trees/wood available, chance of storms, and it would affect how much money and/or resources you start with. That way if you choose to play from a warmer climate you would start with less money to buy wood, or use to buy tools to help you forage/process your own wood. Something like that.
There would definitely be a card you could draw called "Asplundh Giveth" where you happen up a tree already felled and and bucked on the side of the road....basically a free wood card.
Haha....yeah, I wouldn't expect to retire from such a game. Was thinking breaking even would a good goal.
If you are serious about it it must involve shooting lonely people and stealing their stacks. You only get such location information from hookers etc at the local pub after you pay for their services. Sort of like grand theft auto but a wood hoarding version. Also you need to sell some of your stash during the season to pay for your own security and bodyguards. This creates another element to consider. You can play many characters but the big fat guy with blue overalls and a bulletproof F350 has to be the toughest LOL. There are a a lot of storylines to be had it’s just up to you. But greed and building a stack empire will require sheds etc etc and the list goes on. Bribing the FARC with money to have access to their forests in Colombia would be high level ballin.
Scrounging and stealing stuff for tarps from the neighborhood. Robbing chainsaw shops etc. when you are at the top your game you get a sweet pad in the woods with hot women about in their wood heated hot tubs LOL. Also your own personal choppers to fly you around in and out of the woods and there are guys hiding about trying to shoot you down etc. endless possibilities really.
Some weird ideas! Could perhaps be fun but why an app? Not everybody has or uses silly, whoops, smart phones.
Good question... I like the idea of a physical game myself. I think the game would lend itself better to drawing cards, and having mini stacks of wood that you watch grow and shrink with each turn. The difficult with a board type game, is it would need to be multi-player, where a phone game would be more like the player against the elements. Once the game becomes multi-player, there would need to be interactions between the players and I'm not sure how that would work.