I'am 73 over 20f tonight, still burning a lot of uglies. Threw a couple of oak logs in around 3am last night still had a few coals at 4pm when I got home, my first over night burn without a re light. screw the oil man.
Speaking of uglies, last year I had some odd ball wood that was set aside because I didn't know what they hey it was, plus it was heavy. This year it is as light as balsa wood. Luckily I only have about 5 or 6 milk crates of it. Brought some in for in the morning. Went out to dinner, came back and it was 72ºF inside. Oh yeah. 31ºF outside but it feels a lot colder.
22 degrees in SW NH this evening. Burning 3 year old seasoned red oak with 15 percent moisture content, black cherry and some hickory. After a long afternoon run, this is the perfect way to start the weekend!
Burning some Siberian Elm in the Jotul. It’s burning HOT. A bit too warm in the house at 76 degrees. But I’m enjoying a little bit of makers mark and the pretty little misses is having a glass of red wine. Both cuddled up on the couch. It’s all good.
right now 22 outside and inside 80, burning shagbark hickory...first year I ever had any to burn, it has some awesome BTUs
31 out there, 77 in here in wonderful southern MD. Love it! Poplar n oak mix in garage and cherry n oak in house. Keep the home fire burnin!
23* os...67* is....went to bed to early.....didnt let tnough time for my fire to burn down for a good reload....woke up to enough coals to get ur goin again...found some beech n ash in the woodbox....torchin away....
Its 25* outside, getting ready to go hunting and just jammed her up with 2yr maple again and the secondaries are rolling.. the wife, cat and pup should be plenty warm while still sleeping. Going to be 45* today later.
Woke up to 21 outside. Poked up the stove and fed it odd chunks/small splits. It's now a 'comfy' 65 inside. Forecast is high of 38 & sunny for today.
According to the thermometer its 13* outside and 66* inside loaded up with ash, a stick or two of maple and a stick or two of cherry. Time to bring that inside temp back up.
Brrrr......22° Outside this morning, nice load of cherry and some sassafras in the hole Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
25* 68* Ash and a stick of Cherry. They say 43* here today before the next cold snap. I'm hoping to get the rest of the outside winterizing done today. I have a sky light in the bathroom that is not looking very healthy. Not sure what route to take on that one yet.
24ºF outside right now, was 23ºF at sun up. The mystery wood I brought in for the morning fire is rather poor. To be kind it does burn. I'll burn the balance as it is cut, split and seasoned but if it wasn't it would be getting dragged back to the forest for natural decomposition.
11f right now...….. after my walk and morning check on the OWB. It is a nice mild temp out there. Ended up with another inch or so overnight. Just enough to have to shovel the drive deck sidewalk.
28 at 5:00 this morning, left at 6:00 to get in the tree. At 6:45 had a spike under the stand and then a nice 8 point or better follow him in but he took a wide circle outside of a good arrow shot. Sounds about like your season so far Backwoods Savage