Got one bench made today. One down, three more to go. I know this is for summer time and we are the first few days into fall. Oh well. Too many things to do in too little time
Thanks. Yeah, it’s definitely cooling off here. Days-Low to mid 70s. Very comfortable. Nights are getting rather cool though. 40s...low of 39 a few nights ago.
Wow, it was a nice 61° yesterday morning, topped out @ 100° about 5:00PM. Crazy hot for this time of year.
Here’s the fire pit I built this summer. Leveled the area, put in a retaining wall, added the rock to the sides, and some pea gravel base. The actual fire area is just some small rocks for now, mainly to figure out location, will add some more substantial stones in the fall. Btw, my “burn pit” is in the background, that’s where I burn “everything else”
Finished my benches today. Better late than never...actually, I’m just early for next year! They look like they’re perfect for a family of hobbits huh? Just a flat, stable place to plant our butts.
How about winter fire pits? Got some snow last night, figured it's a good time to burn some trash wood.
Gotta start this up again. Beautiful evening here on Long Island. Just got out of the pool and got the 80/90’s Metal cranking away sitting by a nice fire with a cold beer. Have a great weekend everyone.
I spent a couple minutes trying to make this look decent. Wanted to keep the smoker pad separate a bit. Before After
That looks "grate" lol. I was thinking "I wouldn't want to mow around that", then "oh" . Bet that cherry smelled nice.