It is ripe and ready for you to use this winter. You just need to bring a pick-up truck and load it up. It is well over one cord. It's clowns like this that make me believe, there's no hope left for this world.
Must be one of the NJ wood dealers you mentioned in your prior post! If it was free would you consider it?
Haha, so it's not just over here then. I've lost count on the amount of ads I've seen when looking for wood with things like 'been cut down in summer so ready this winter' or 'it's ash so perfect for burning green'....on a lot of these ads the wood is not even cut to length or split so is obviously nowhere near ready for burning.
Festering in the mud for over a year, full of bugs & rot... If it was right close to home & I could back my truck right up to it, still maybe. If it were White Oak or Locust, probably.
There’s an add running now on FB in my area. $300 for a cord. No worry, they fill the truck a little higher than the rails so you know your getting a big cord. Wanna save money? $250 for a cord of rounds.
Buying firewood in NJ? Forget about! They’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse. Maybe a logging truck will run over your grandma!
ya think.....honestly....around here least later in the season...people want somethin for everything... Seems like 17 was the good year for firewood scores.....19...not so much...
This kind of stuff I see all day long on Facebook and other ads. It’s asinine. More often than not it’s just gonna either sit or wait until someone buys it up.
My beef is when i stop and ask about freshly cut wood either from Asplundh or storm clean up and they have a friend or family member taking it. Months and even years later it still sits slowly turning into compost.
This morning, an ad showed some middle rotting Alder for $200...gotta be kidding me. Labeled it maple too.