I think I am about the last person in my small area to heat with a wood stove. Some people know I heat with wood and seems like a few other's find out every year that I heat with wood. I get a kick out of people asking "can I just get a little bit of firewood for my fireplace, the kids love a fire" . When I ask what a little bit of firewood I get all kinds of answers, my favorite is 'part of a pick up full' ummm NO. Ya know I have mixed feelings about this. I have responded in several ways: I just don't have any extra (true). I heat with wood it's not about ambiance (ok, the ambiance is just another plus for me). Come over and work with me for an hour and I'll give you some seasoned wood that burns right (A few have said they will do that, but never have but most just ask what seasoned wood is). I have long given up trying to explain the amount of time and effort that goes into processing firewood from a log to seasoned stove wood. I do remind people they can buy plastic wrapped firewood package at the grocery store..."that's expensive"....lol
Couldn't agree more! Most people in this day and age are just too lazy. I lost count of how many co workers have said "you heat with wood? Youre crazy thats way too much work!"
I hear ya, like it when people say,oh you heat with wood ,so your heat is free. Not exactly! Spot on they don’t understand the time and effort it takes.
I agree...Lazy and ignorant...'you have all that wood, wouldn't hurt you to spare some'. 'You're crazy to heat with wood'...well I don't have a $800 (or more) heat bill in Jan/Feb, power outage is not a panic time, I like CSS, I like the independence.... Now, for someone that needed help in a bad time or a Vet - I am first one there.
Couldn’t agree more. I cut split and stack wood all year long so that my family can stay warm and we can save money. Im not giving it away to someone to burn on Christmas morning.
I find it amusing how quickly the conversation ends when you let someone know they are welcome to come out and cut all the wood they want.
My answer would be, " sure is, it's my free time I use to make it happen." Sent from my LML212VL using Tapatalk
This is only our second year using woodstove for primary heat. Cant believe the number of people who are in disbelief that we are trying to use wood for primary heat and are unaware of the amount of work and preparation that goes into it. If someone asked me for wood, sure. But they will need to help replace what Im giving. Elderly, someone in need is different story. Asking for firewood is the same as asking for venison or trout. Not happening!!
Those are the type of people that will be begging for help come the next natural disaster, zombie apocalypse. I'm all for helping those in need, I'm also for helping the lazy learn what real work is, and there is no such thing as a free ride.
I searched out a wood score a few weeks back. Cut a bunch and took what I could handle at my place for the time being. Dropped 3 cords or so off at a buddy's place that could use it, and maybe 2 perhaps at my wife's cousin's house. To get into this wood score I had to go and buy a new chainsaw- no small feat for me- not exactly rolling in dough. Borrowed a truck and trailer. And over the course of 2 days cut the wood, brought it home here and took it to my loved one's homes. I'll do that any time, but I do have kind of a mental block in my mind imagining I'd take wood out of my stacks to give to someone who just wants it. NEEDS it? Different story- I've got no problem sharing what comes my way, but let's be reasonable. And for the record, I'd go over and split it with them.
Here we are... in this day and age of power tools. People still haven't learned from the "ant and grasshopper' fable.
I posted a quick something or other about it on my serial stove review of the Woodstock Survival Hybrid stove, but I didn't get too far into the weeds with it because.... I didn't have too much to say about it. It was a really good learning experience though. And now I'm dying to have my own truck. My wife is very encouraging, but I know my limits... for the time being lol.
Before I had a wood stove, I would go to the landscaping supply yard and buy it by the ton. I would only buy $30-40 worth that would cover me for camping season. Its too expensive to heat the house but much cheaper than the plastic wrapped bundles.
I find that it is sometimes hard to tell who needs or who wants wood. When asked for wood i just say perfect i was looking for help today. You help me and 1/2 is yours. Those in need will almost always help. Those who want find an excuse. When helped i usually just take the whole days efforts to them. I can always get more.
3 of my 4 step kids burnon occasion. One has a small stove which they use for some heat. Dropped half cord for them a couple weeks ago. Id like to get a few bucks for it, but didnt ask. The oldest lives nearly two hours away and ill bring her a face cord in January. She did give me a few bucks last time. Casual burner in fireplace. My stepson has an insert in his apt. Burns on occasion. Gave him a load of my nuggets/uglies. He later complained about it. My landlord burns and ill give him wood as he lets me an area for my wood addiction. His grown kids are beyond lazy. So much so i CS a fallen red oak that bloacked the driveway 19 months ago, dumped his share in his back yard. Still sitting where i dumped it, unstacked or covered. Someone really in need, yes, casual friend charge them, especially if thats all you have for yourself.
This comes up from time to time and I'm glad you brought it up again Shack. Funny that in all these years we've burned wood I've never had anyone ask for wood except for standing wood. I have given away wood on the stump and don't mind doing it if there is a need. I also don't mind giving firewood that is ready to burn to a neighbor or someone in need. But it is difficult to want to help someone who would want it just for a short burn on Christmas morning or a fire pit or just for looks. Yes, invited them to help and then give some but just to give to those types. NO!
I learned my lesson from Nancy; "Just say NO!" The church takes care of the only couple of families near me that are truly in need. Anyone else just wants a camp fire or the ambience of a fire in an effort to 'get lucky' for the evening. Most folks around me either cut their own or are nut burners. Everyone else knows me as the 'old curmudgeon' who wouldn't give away a stick of wood if his life depended on it! And I'm okay with that.