That's a hairy situation you have there Mwalsh9152. Plenty of good wood in there though. I guess I would try and fell it at the broken trunk, but yeah, 18 inch bar might make that difficult to impossible. Just be safe because that wood is unpredictable.
Good to see the husband and wife team at it Midwinter! I bet he was happy the wood was only a mile from home, you guys look like seasoned pro's . It turned out to be some very solid oak so your it payed off well! You're going to need to buy a vacant lot soon to store more cordage.
notch the left side, back cut the right so it falls perpendicular to the trunk. Cut little pine out of the way first. Use a couple felling wedges in the back cut. Be careful as the center has punk so you will lose/not have a hinge. Should go over just fine.
Nice, I was needing some wood for next year of my 3-year plan now that I am burning more. The gas hasn’t kicked on so far...
Sounds like you are officially a dedicated wood burner. My gas has just started to kick on, but I have not done a first season burn yet. Just wasn't worth stoking up the stove with these lagging summer temps plus I like to get my steam radiators broken in for the season anyway. I just drained them and refilled the furnace water tank so I like to rev up the engines so to speak and bleed out any air locks that cause the pipes to bang. Now normally I would have fired up the stove last night with temps hitting the freezing mark, but I got home at midnight after a weekend visiting family and helping my brother clear his property of trees. I was exhausted and ready for bed so I didn't want my first fire to start out on that note. There goes my OCD again haha! Anyway, looking at the weather forecast, I think it's still going to be a few days before I fire up the old stove. It just seems warmer this year and the trees still have much of their leaves, even a lot of green! Normally I have 5 or more fires before Halloween.
WHAT WHAT WHAT? Do we have new convert here? I thought Hubby was just chief mechanic and head chain sharpener.
I guess it was more fun than sitting home alone! I didn't hear a lot of moaning and groaning the next day, so it must have worked out alright for him. Plus, he got to tell me what I was doing wrong!
As far as im concerned...this was a good investment for me....make ur marks on log....take off n cut lengths Ott Accu-Stick Pro 14 To 26 Inches 62189
I came across 2 Delaware bases car hoarders over the weekend (assume minivan counts as a car). We loaded up that van until the muffler was dragging. Car hoarders are everywhere! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I think my bearings might be starting to go after all that wet oak car hoarding. Would lessen the economics of hoarding.. still a good deal if i’m even close to three years.