You gotta get past his security though. That cat just lays his piece on the table and dares you to give him a reason to use it.
3 hrs in with mesquite not much bark cause this ones for eating not pictures,so what's on it is pure cane sugar,lots and garlic powder...not very colorful Foiled tight and goin for another 2 or 2.5 hrs
Had some company over on Sunday (at the cottage). Well, I had this brisket I bought and put in the freezer during the summer of 18 (yup, over a year old!) I thought I'd give it some heat instead of leaving it in the freezer another winter. After giving it a rest with the rub in the fridge, into the oven it went @200f. Right around 7-8 hours, I bumped it up to 225 for another hour-hour and a half. Let it rest overnight in the screen porch (not heated and right around 34f) and then finished it on the grill (right around 3 hours) with indirect method with some shagbark hickory for smoke and flavor. I have to admit, I was hesitant, thinking over a year in the freezer and all, but...…. it was great! And as usual, no pics. I think there are 4 slices left as I type!
Oh yeah... per advice, I let it rest foil wrapped and towel covered (after the grill) for about 1 1/2 hours before carving also.