ok truth is I ripped it out as a full tree with the winch on the dump trailer. It leaned into another pine at my sisters house. Less damage to the good tree by yanking it out and away. Had no phone/camera with me. Just using the arch to clean up. Stopped at my house for lunch and shot a picture. shhh, now I drive em out into the state forest and cut off the stump. Bring back the log On the bright side I got back and dropped the log and forgot the tongs laying on the ground in the SF. No sense coming back empty. Nice red oak laying right near this mysterious pine stump. Came back with a nice 12’ oak trunk. Forgot to forget the tongs again. Oh well, it’s all cut up in lengths. May go for a joy ride later.
got pics? Maine/Salem? Your a snowbird with short wings. Don’t blame ya. Heat bites. I live off exit 12 Rt 2 on the Meshomasic. Beep next time you go by LOL Welcome to the forum.
Cool. Will you eventually get stationed back in Maine? Used to vacay on Vinalhaven. Would see you guys out there playing in those zodiac style boats. Think it was CG anyway. Those craft fly!!! Looked like a lot of fun on the warm days anyway.
Nice way to manage a tooth ache. Whatever you do, do not break a finger or any other part of your body!!!!
Believe it or not I was splitting wood and listening to music on my phone, set it on the tarp on my woodpile. At somepoint she slide down into a puddle. Needless to say I’ll post some pics on Tuesday when My new one gets here. Jo- When I end my CG career in a few years I intend to move back to Maine. I bought a bunch of land up there. Backwoods- Is your boy still in the CG?