What we did was take the ramps off. Maybe take the trailer gate off and drag them off. Doesn't look like you have much room to maneuver on the try with a saw. If you hit a floor bolt or something, bad news for the chain.
Can you pull the gate off? I know on my trailer I can take it off, but it’s kinda a pain to put back on by yourself...
That’s a good idea. Been busy at my real job all day and I have that weight sitting in the trailer...ugh. I came out this morning on the way to work and saw one of the bearing caps had pooped off. I hope I didn’t bend an axel. Too much drama. I’m not volunteering for the big stuff any more. I won’t have time to noodle until Sunday. I prioritized smoking a cigar and a drinking a Golden Monkey and relaxing tonight...prob bad decision. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes! Got them off. My trailer hasn’t been the same. My wedge is still stuck in one. Been hibernating but have 2 major wood runs lined in this weekend. Whooooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Can’t figure it out yet. It’s not pulling smooth anymore. I’m getting a big load of ash tomorrow so we will see how it handles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One hoard for Saturday and one for Sunday: Ash White oak Only problem is I have to do the cuttin and rolling. Whooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That standing monster doesn’t look like any fun at all. Is it solid at least? I see some difficult splitting in your future
Whoooooood! Ash tree cut and unloaded. I forgot to take a pic. Will start splitting tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
White oak delayed till next weekend thank god! I’m totally exhausted. Got about 3/4 cord. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk