Shot big ugly tonight.. massive old deer.. buddy had to help load him, i couldnt solo lol, that doesnt happen often!
Nice John. Tell him congratulations. I've not seen a buck since a week ago when I watched that 10 pointer that didn't want to come close enough for a visit.
My son got his first deer. It was a spike. I kinda gave him hell for shooting it. Told him he gets one spike in life and that's it.
Ive been hunting hard last few weeks, but for horns... nothing worth launching an arrow at yet. Im getting an itchy trigger finger tho... last night there was 6 does and two small bucks under me, all I could do not to whack one of those does lol
I have only seen 2 doe all season. Its all spike, button buck. 3 or 4 pointers. We need to have 3 points on one side to be legal. Unless junior, mentor hunter.
Opening day of rifle season here. Talk about deer moving this morning! I stopped counting at 55. Several bucks but most of them small. The 7th buck to come out was this one.
That has to be a very neat experience. Have never called a deer in before. Congratulations on a dandy! Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk