We have pretty hard well water but does not seem to be corrosive. I do have a whole house filter that helps.
35F & dropping, I'd guess we'll get our first hard frost tonight. Fine by me, kill off the "stuff" & maybe I can get back to my logging area easier. Pine in the boiler.
It's not that the water is corrosive, it's that the minerals pile up at the bottom of the tank and especially on a gas water heater, and that shield didn't allow the water to circulate around as it should, and it wears out the tank prematurely by heat stressing it.
38f and soggy basswood burning . It's my no spark basswood burning . It's kinda like burning a wet sponge. Easy splitting though. lol Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
I woke up to 39 and that's been holding for 2 hours. No fire because I burned Saturday night and it was miserably hot in the family room all day Sunday. I'm waiting for cooler days before I burn again.
I have a feeling I'll be css'ing some decent sized basswood soon. I've burnt it before, it's gopher wood. Constantly reloading, but it splits easily, and dries quickly. It will also keep you warm, when it's not -30 out at least.
Is there such a thing as "good" snow? Looks like a fair amount that ya got there! And of course, in some of the lower 48, that same amount would be devastating!!!
Been mid to upper 40's at night. Been smokey as heck in the morning due to the controlled burn that turned into a wildfire near us. Been trying to conserve as much as we can because I think it's going to be colder than normal this winter.
Drove through some bad weather this morning. A "squall" of sorts. Temps were at 40f with a heavy rain that turned into very large heavy snow (sounded like hail hitting the windshield, but no ice with it) and dropped visibility way down along with the temps dropping to 33f. Short lived though....only 1/2 hour of it.
Weird here, was up to 39 this morning, so very little frost. Still 60 out now. Little Pine keeping the boiler going.
It got up to 60 today, but cloudy and a little rain, but mostly in the am. I winterized the ski boat over the weekend, and tonight I took it up to winter storage. Now there's an empty spot in the driveway. Maybe some wood will wind up there? It's going to get to 41° overnight with 20-30 mph winds. The fire has a good bit of coals, just waiting for my wife to say she wants me to rechooch the fire.
Mid 20s at night. 50-60 days. Been firing boiler nights for a week with pine, spruce and willow with some hardwood mill waste to keep it going.
It’s good because it allows access to millions of acres of the people’s land, via snow machine. As soon as the waterways freeze it opens another 10+ million acres. so I am super excited plus on November 1st when winter moose opens I can get after trying to get one for my wife.
Mid 40s and more rain here. I was up at our cabin this past weekend with the guys for grouse camp, and we had rain, snow and wind gusts to 43mph for over 2 days. We got a few ruffed grouse for eating while we were there, but it was not ideal weather for bird hunting. Cabin time was great with all the food, beer, fires and planning for deer camp. A few small scrapes are showing up in traditional places. I took a little time stacking this pile of sugar maple...Got through about 2/3s of it stacked and covered, and will finish the job before serious winter weather sits in. This wood will be burned 2-3 years from now. I suppose the whole pile amounts to about 1.5 cords.
We were about -4c/25f this morning. Weve had snow on the ground for a week now but there is still enough heat in our day to slowly melt it. Stove is cold this morning while Im at work but will get it up and going later today. Enjoy the day!