It’s that time of the year again when these piles show up in front of houses here in Bavaria. (This one is not mine btw) Thanks to the FHC I bought the right stuff this year - a pile of super dry beech splits. You guys in the US would start crying if you knew the prices around here.
Hi spaetzle. My family originates in Kirchenrohrbach. A little Bavaria, a little Black Forest if I’m right.
Those are little piles. Certainly not a winter's supply. No doubt the cost is high for you and that is sad. Geeze, you'd think wood grows on trees or something like that.
We pay 115 EUR per cubic meter Which is 35 cubic feet. That would be 420 EUR per cord or 461 USD per cord if my math is not off here. Cut, split, delivered and really dry. And Hardwood. And local ... Still very expensive though ... Sigh ... One can lower the price and get cutting permits, but the delta is so low that it is not really worth it. Scrounging is not really happening at those prices as you guys can imagine. Since it is not the primary heat source and only for getting some ambiance in the living room it is bearable. I go through 2 cubic meters a winter so the spend is 250 bugs a season. Thanks to FHC and the tips around here my chimney is clean as a whistle though.
Oh and di I mention that some people here sell swedish fire candles for 3 bugs a pop ? They overdo it sometimes