In my case, the old one was made in the early 90's. Bought a new one early this year, but the old one kept chuggin' right along. Wife and I got tired of the new one sitting the a corner of the bedroom. Thinking of putting the old one by the road with a sign saying "oldie but goodie...still works". Oh, and yeah, we have a lot of lime/calcium or something in our water. I plan to purge the new one in the spring.
No the old one lasted a long time but it was getting close to the end of it's life. Was not heating quite the way it used to and I was not about to replace parts as old as it was. Not 100 percent sure what year I put it in but I think it was in the 90's. There was quite a bit of sludge in the tank.
I have been seeing snow flakes up in the cities today. Taking care of the grandkids while mom and dad have a weekend sans kids.
Had 28* and some frost this morning. First fire of the season was cherry and a piece or two of walnut.
By golly ya did have a frost.....39* for a low....alot of times the valleys get colder than we do with elevation
I think we were forecast for a low of 34*. Of course being out in the boonies we are always colder than the forecast according to my weather station thermometer. I'm surprised you weren't colder than that but I guess it makes sense with your elevation factor.
We had frost Friday night for the 1st time and again last night. I had to rearrange the family room prior to having a fire so I did that yesterday and had a fire last night. Woke up to 38 outside and 76 inside. I setup my firewood rack this week outside the side door and loaded it with a face cord of ss (junk) wood and burned that last night.
Got home today from the twin cities around 4 today and got a fire going. We had on and off flurries and ice pellets all the way home. Yesterday morning there was even some snow on house roofs. Nothing sticking here yet.
39° now. Been burning since yesterday. Ash and silver maple uglies. The furnace has not even made a peep. 71° in the house.
Took the air conditioners out today. Need to get my patio stack moved up, still a few things outside to put away for winter. Beautiful day here in the mid sixties. Mid 40's overnight and this morning we had our first frost.
Oh, some places have crazy calcium and other minerals in their water. In Janesville/ Beloit Wisconsin area, if you don't flush the water out of your water heater every year, they will only last 3-4 years because there's so much and it ends up wrecking the tank and it leaks. It's not like that here only 70 miles away. We still have minerals, and something hard water, but nothing like that.
First walk outside with the dogs this morning, and my foot slid on something slippery on the patio slab. Turns out it was this stuff known as ice. My nemesis. #ice hate Oh....33 when I got up. Made a fire after a couple hours. Still some heat from that, so we're good for a while. Might get up to 43 today.
Looks like another frost tonight here. Breeze is chilly but the temperature is now up to 52. Was 37 when I left this morning to go to a meeting. We had some ice last week. Looks like chilly nights are now the norm. But by the weekend they say we may be back in the 60's with 63 and 64 predicted for Saturday and Sunday. Fire going in stove and this may surprise some but it is only 75 in here. Wife is doing laundry so the drying will take place near the wood stove.
Upper 20's was the coldest it got this past weekend (for the latest snowpocalypse) with some snow but not much.