I would almost want to say that looks like sweetgum? But I have never split silver maple or cut it so this could be the maple y'all are talking about.
From last week, I think if they are not both red oak, than the other splits are cherry, right? I didn’t see the classic shiny bits that oak has. It was tougher than oak to split, but not impossible like gum would be (I’ve heard). I did split some silver maple branches a few weeks ago. It was pretty easy splitting for a yard tree. That stuff from today, I only kept the one split.. might have been silver maple.
The shiney things your talking about are called rays. You can see them looking at the end grain too, that's what gives oak away. Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk
Loaded up with some pine this morning. I’ll let this sit for a while before I attempt splitting. A lot more activity with people picking up even pine. I guess the cooler weather has everyone in the mood.
Hey, who you calling a .... ah, the pine sap of course . Good thing I have a nice protective layer of sawdust in the trunk. These didn’t seem too sticky when I was loading them up.
Here is the half stack of thick red oak and I think some cherry. Two trunk loads. In retrospect, I should have gone a little thinner as I’ll need to get some hot low coals in order to fit one or two of these on top before bedtime. I moved some Norway maple rounds out of the way and split and stack what I could, but have a pretty big pile of uglies left over. I’ll probably noodle those down into big splits like these and just give them some extra time in the stacks (for maple).
Oooh, I’m sweating the struts this morning.I got that white oak I was hoping for; I can tell by the whisky smell. Do cars even have struts?
Yup, free for the taking, and cut into manageable pieces so I didn’t even need to do much smashing. I wish I could thank the deliverers as it looks like they went through some chains with those iron stains, right?
You're right, somebody put a lot of work into that. The chunks are smaller than necessary just to load and dump??? But people who throw away wood always baffle me. Who knows what goes on in their little pea brains?
the stains can go several inches in each directions. Check the end cuts for the nail/metal. Hitting the stain area doesnt dull the chain as far as i know and IME
great score mrfancyplants . Hope your co workers didnt think you'd been drinking with the whiskey smell! There was white oak at my dump last time and the guy wouldnt let me take any. A new company has been contracted to run it and im wondering if they will be more accomodating.
No trailer available and free ash wood 5 minutes from house. Got 2 loads with the "Ole Tahoe", hoping to go back. There is some cherry there too. It fit and I was tired of noodling. A hoarder got to horde anyway possible. Especially ash wood, its my fav. Last pic is what I took so far.
Nice score. I bet you could split the ash with a whack or two from a fiskars, and save some effort noodling. Smash and grab is my M.O.. For me, noodling has it’s place when you can’t split, and I noodled up some Norway maple uglies recently, but hand splitting could probably save you some time here.
Sorry, no pics yet, but I got another car load of white oak. There were a lot of short and uglies left so I opted for some longer rounds that I’ll cut to size before splitting thick. I’m not going to go for double the shorts this time, since I’m at about at my limit for number of stacks.