Ive been scoring and cutting roadside wood felled by Asplundh over the last three weeks. Last week i got a decent amount (maybe a face cord) of bitternut hickory from a single tree. (along with red oak from the same yard) Cut a load and a half (at least 3/4 cord) of shagbark hickory last week. This batch of pignut was a few driveways up from the shagbark location. They cut it over the course of three days. 4-5 medium trees. Not looking forward to splitting all the hickory although the bitternut did split easy. This log was hollow most of the way through. Lots of carpenter ants. I was dropping the rounds on the pavement. Moving day for the ants. Enough meat still on the wood. This log should be easy splitting...i hope! Half cord load. Hour and half to buck and fill the PU. Didnt have room for these and left them as is. Bit gnarly and may not go back for them. Between the three species i have maybe two cord of hickory to split.
Nice hickory scores Brad... It's time to see pics of all your stacks with this crazy amount of hoarding your doing...
My landlord lets me have an area to process and stack. Not that big but i manage. I have 25 cord there, ten cord up here at the house and another nine at my friends ten minutes away...give or take. I have access to another several cord. I NEVER intended on having this much wood. Its addictive!
Nice Brad, Nice. I may have to sneak across the river and start hunting over there LOL Saw a white ford PU on the side of Rt85 near Waterford cutting some road gold. Almost stopped to say hi. Thought it was you for a minute.
"Steve" Ctwoodtick lives there. The only time ive been there was when we met up. Went cutting with him in Stonington. There is more than enough around here for me. Look for the extra cab, ladder racks and dented tailboard AND my signature backwards Stihl cap. (same one as my avatar pic) A bit more faded now, but always have it on when cutting/hoarding.
Thanks for the heads up on the road gold. I’m on 85 for short bit when going to work. I haven’t seen it- maybe on a different section of that road. I’ve been having too much fun around the house with a dump cart I scored onCL. Bringing firewood to the front of the house just got much more fun.
The white truck was on he opposite side near the reservoir. Think it’s a driveway that goes up to that huge antennae. Wasn’t a huge amount of wood there. There is a huge, straight red oak trunk further north. A biggun. Lot of wood in that one. Between Chesterfield and Salem somewhere if memory serves. Almost tempted to go winch that thing on board. Make some nice wide planking for a bridge I’m thinking of building. Red oak isn’t the best choice for bridge planking but it’s longevity May closely mirror my own. Long drive for me though
I took some pics last night Fanatical1 Here goes. First group of pics are at the house we rent. 1 3/4 cord CSS last January. Note Ms. buZZsaw having a smoke on the bedroom deck. long pile on left CSS last winter double row maybe four face cord. Bin in front left new (sugar and rad maple nuggets). 4' Stacks with 45 degree braced are a 1/2 cord bin of sugar maple nuggets (seasoned score) and the same beyond that only 16" logs. Back stacks with blue tarp are all red maple scored seasoned rounds. Two 1/2 cords of 16" splits and 1/2 cord of 18-24" splits. Wood on right is fresh scores of green sugar maple unsplit yet. Behind that far right is a two face cord stack of hickory. Scored already seasoned/dead. up close of the red maple stacks. Ive been constantly reinventing my stacks as more wood comes my way. Never had stacks in that area, but its works. Close up of the sugar and hickory. Shed is on right where ladders are leaned. Two cord red oak stack 3 deep in back of the shed. Accumulating stack of maple splits will be stacked where pallets are standing. I have to lay down a couple timbers for the pallets Maybe two cord of the maple will be stacked there. 9-10 cord total at the house. Next two pics are wood stored at my friends ten minutes away. Three stacks 4x4x16...two cord each...75% white oak. Balance is red oak. 9 rows of face cord each perpendicular to the oak. Red oak in back, mix red maple and beech in front stacks. Didnt have time to take pics of the 20+ cords in my main proccessing area
Very true! Raining here and im having DT's If i had a big open area just to dump truck loads of wood id probably have a lot more!