60* s now...high in the upper 60* s to low 70* s......rainin n a cold front comin thru. Got home last afternoon from bein away for the weekend......63* inside ....so i broke down n started our first...
Oh yeah. Nice little fire huh? I cooked myself out of my house the first time I was burning inside. 60° outside like you had. Only thing is I think I used just doug fir. So it was just my preliminary burn that finished the day out Soon it’s an everyday thing and feels much better when it’s cooler and cooler. Then it’s normal to start thinking about other stuff on your stove like cooking or just a kettle of water.
I too got home yesterday but it was warm (66) so we've had no fires since I got home. Looks like late this week fall will be falling in on us big time.
Tis that time of the year! Keep the home fires burning. Things were a bit white around here this morning.
Only went down to 42 early this AM. Had a small fire before bed last night. No fire this morning, since we should hit close to 70 with sun.
Welcome to FHC Skibum, -8c/17f this morning. I did my first overnight burn with a stove full of larch last night. Currently burning some spruce. Heres a snow pic from yesterday.