On Thursday my right index finger got squished between two big hickory rounds while unloading my PU. A good blood blister later forms. Fairly common injury to me. Over the weekend an injury occurred at walt s GTG while using a splitter. GrJfer had a ladder accident while pruning a tree. This got me thinking. My worst was while unloading the PU one December. My 17yo (at the time) stepson was helping me and rolled a huge oak round through the bed without looking and my finger got caught between it and another round. Hospital visit and several stitches later i was fine. Right index finger. So what was your worst firewood accident?
I was splitting kindling on my chopping block and somehow a bunch of wood debris flung up into my eyes. I have a tire on my chopping block and it was the accumulated bark pieces, wood debris, and small splinters that got me. No hospital visit, but I did get in the shower with my clothes on to rinse my eyes. Thought I cut a toe off when I was 16. The chain went through my boot and only pulled a few threads from my sock. Hurt though.
I squished one of my fingers between two oak rounds loading them into the trunk of my car a few years ago. Not x ray confirmed, but I'm positive I broke it.
Slipped vertebrates while picking up a large beech round to put on the splitter... the funny thing, it would have been the first round to be spilt of my firewood season for 2018 that jan or feb.... i was in bed an entire week. Since then i started working out regularly... still fat lol, but much much stronger.
Varied bruises on my shins when splitting. Splits fell where/when I wasn't expecting them to fall. Hasn't happened since getting some cheap soccer shin pads. Lost a toenail when a splitting wedge fell about 3ft. All in all, nothing tragic, fortunately.
Two finger injuries, both on my Iron and Oak 4 way splitter. Each time I was wrestling a large odd shaped round that got stuck. The doctor at the ER called it a "filet job" as the cut went on a 45 degree angle down to the bone on my pinkie finger (I only went to the ER because my wife was in labor and not much was going on with the baby at the moment so she told me to go get it looked at. Injury happened about 15-18 hours prior. It was then I found out they won't stitch it after so many hours pass.) The other one my thumb nail got split right down the center and cut about half an inch of the thumb itself. It hurt like hell for a little but the pain went away fairly fast because no pressure was able to build up under the nail as blood just flowed. It took a few weeks before it dried up and the nail fell off.
Big gash in my shin. Liftgate was off of the truck after changing the box out and slipped off the receiver hitch when getting down. Don't remember how many stiches from urgent care, but bigger problem was the 2-day follow up. She wanted to put me on stronger antibiotics and found out the hard way I am allergic to sulfur and ended up in the ER. Small nick on a finger when I got volunteered to cut up a willow for a neighbor. Chain was slowly moving at idle and touched my finger. Shut the saw off and learned the lucky way to not use it when I'm upset. Got very lucky.
Lots of shin injuries from falling logs off the splitter. Maul had hit my shin a couple times on the bounce off when it hit the wrong spot on the log. Log pinching my fingers aplenty, mostly blood blisters. I’ve had a couple falls happen with moving wood in a dark spot, so something wasn’t cleared out of my walk way. Those are the most common that happen now.
I wasn’t making firewood per say but I was cleaning out a fence row on my wife’s family farm. The ground was froze when I started but after it warmed up the surface became slippery than snot. Slipped on a slope and the result was 7 stitches in my kneecap. Lesson learned
Got a piece of spring loaded wood flung into my testicular region straight off the splitter a few years back while with my F.I.L. Now I cover up or turn out of the way when I get the feeling something might shoot apart...
injuries to me, few minor cuts and finger and toe smashes. But, I was cutting with a neighbor who doesn't know how to stand clear. I was on my knees making a back cut on a small tree, finished the cut, released the throttle and began to stand up and turn around to get away from the now falling tree. The guy was right behind me. I had no idea. The chain was still spinning down and my bar tip swiped right across the front of his shin. Filleted him like a trout. I have pictures of the injury, not sure they would be appropriate to post. moral of the story? always know what is around you and never walk up behind a person running a chainsaw they can't hear you and their concentration is on the task at hand, not what you are doing.
Shins,cuts, bruises, knot/ bruise over my eye the other day cuz i didnt need my helmet cutting such a small tree (idiot). I turn my hips away when splitting also cuz i had a close call with popping wood. Bone bruised knee cap that hurt like hell.
The usual from handling my wood. Dropped splits on unsubstantially sheathed feet. A jammed splinter here or there. Especially under a finger nail. I've had a few barber chair close calls especially maple trees . Only got hit in the face once with a splinter that came flying out tangentially. Luckily it wasn't big enough to do any damage, just stung like hello. Oh and be careful splitting pine in a splitter, they can pop and go flying in all manner of directions. I tend to keep my hand over the split while the splitter is ramming it so my hand gets hit before my face.
Fortunately nothing series. Like many here, the random blister, scrapes on the shin, sawdust in the eye, etc. I tend to do at least one small cut on my shin during every splitting session. Wife gets on me for that. LOL! I guess my worst was some lower back pain from lifting, although that tends to be a delayed impact. I'll do the lifting, and then a couple days later I'll move my back in a way that aggravates the pain. Silliest was getting up off the floor after building with Legos with my kiddo. Ugh.
Maybe a month ago, I don't even know how it happened but something happened in the blink of an eye and my chainsaw caught my left hand. I had on welder's gloves and it cut them in multiple places but I had no injury. That was close. I now bought chainsaw gloves. I haven't had serious injuries, just bruises, minor cuts. My neighbor showed me pics of someone she knows who caught a kickback in the face. The guy will never look normal, it was horrendous, the before and after pics. It flat chewed him up. Gives me creeps thinking of it. Be careful! Always ever vigilant and expect the unexpected. Fatigue can also get you.
Fortunately I've not much to report on this! I remember as a young lad getting some fingers between big logs when stacking (I learned slow). One at the sawmill (I know, not firewood related) I smashed a finger pretty bad. The worst that I can remember right now happened this year when a big white oak log fell and caught me just below the knee. Lots of swelling and big time black and blue. Many (including doctor) feared I had a blood clot so had that checked but was okay. Just really sore for a long time but fine now. I think I also cut my hand a little once while I was working on a saw but nothing serious.
Just minor cuts and bruises, pinched fingers, but...hey let's be careful out there. My wife brought this local story to my attention. If she's not around she asks me to text her when I'm done for the day. Tree falls on Sorrento man in logging accident, killing him
Smashed some fingers and bruised some toes handling rounds. Worst was getting whacked by a spring back when I was cutting a top. Caught me in the chest and arm, knocked me flat, sent the saw through the air for 20 feet, sent my glasses 10 feet the other way, and made me feel like I did after playing a full football game on offense and defense-beat to heck!! All I worried about at the time was if my dad saw it happen, I was afraid he would yell at me!!
My injury this weekend really wasn't firewood related. Although I was using a pole saw and cutting wood it was mainly tree maintenance. I will say that was the worst I have been hurt. Prior to that mostly minor things skinned shins, and a few smashed fingers.