Believe me, I look forward to it! The oak can't stay in the driveway over the winter. It's nice that it can get some autumn sunshine, but it will have to move to the backyard before snow. The canopy will fold and the splitter will go back to its home as well.
Looking good sir. Nice score with the manageable rounds. Sure beats those behemoths. Nice stack of pallet wood building up too. The cordless saw is working well for you? What ever became of those huge cherry rounds score you were nibbling away at?
I sometimes wash the windows as the ladder racks drip rusty water on them and the paint. Have windex and paper towels in the truck. Need them on the job sometimes too.
Looking good and great progress Midwinter. Tough learning curve with the new saw but experience is a great teacher. I like the splitting set up too. How much longer will you keep that set up? Seems to work very well for you.
The cordless circular saw makes a huge difference in cutting pallet wood. Funny since then I have been watching pallet wood cutting videos and everyone comes to the same conclusion that its not for chainsaws because its too jarring and a general rough ride with splinter shards often flying back at you. Plus if the chain hits a nail it often ruins it beyond repair or its a lot of filing. I haven returned to the cherry pile in a while, but split all the wood I had gotten from it so far. I think if I had a log splitter I might be more inclined to go back for more of those behemoths, but that wood was a 7 out of 10 for difficulty of hand splitting. I may drive over soon since it is close to my house and see whats developing with that pile. Last time I went a wheel loader must've tossed up the pile to gather it up tighter. This exposed some deeper human scale logs that I took, but many remaining logs are 200+ lbs and wedged into one another creating a 12ft high mountain of death. Even If I could pry one out it may be the last you guys hear of me haha! But I will go again to see if the loader did anymore shifting to exposed some easy pickin's wood. I've been keeping my eyes on some other spots with smaller diameter maple and Bl locust that I can cut up and take, but waiting for weather to cool some more. Just not enjoying this heat and humidity!
I have plenty of room for storage, you’ll be able to carry it out in an ash pail when I’m done! I gotta get my butt in gear!
I think I picked up some dogwood this morning? I guessing because of the BARK! That and the heart shaped leaves. The wood is about as dense as i’ve encountered. Hopefully, it’ll make some good all nighters in a couple years. Wish me luck in splitting this stuff.
On very cold nights it may take three logs, hence the term "Three Dogwood Night" I know, too funny....I'll be here all week, try the veal
I heard a chainsaw running a few doors down and they were taking some limbs off a big silver maple. I asked I they were chipping it and if I could grab some firewood and they offered to cut it up for me. A couple doors down, but around the block, so I filled up the trunk rather than taking multiple trips with the wheel barrow. I’m kind of excited to see if it dries out quicker than red or Norwegian maple. Two rows deep in the trunk this time. Not my smallest car hoard btu-wise even for silver maple.
music to my ears, especially if its not me using it. Hearing a running chain saw = potential wood score! Asplundh has been cutting in my area. Heard them last week one block down and went to investigate. Pruning only. I stopped and asked. Guy tells me they will be cutting down some pine the next day. "You cant burn pine as it causes chimney fires" I tried to tell the guy otherwise! Something i learned this year myself. Looks like they cut it to uniform lengths too. Nice score! Any more from them?
I’ll probably stop by after lunch to see if the left any bits, but today I am working from home today and need to get some work done. I didn’t ask if they had any local work lined up... since everything goes through the wheel barrow to get to the back of the house I’m not really prepared for any big projects. Just these sort of “smash and grab” type scores.
The way I usually work with my schedule as well. I have a small property too so I would never make any deals with a tree service to drop their random cuttings on my front lawn. I guess I'm a fellow "Smash and Grabber".
I got the silver maple and dogwood split and stacked. There was another barrow full of dog wood although the second was mostly shorts and little chunks. I stacked the dogwood on top of some chestnut oak that had a summer’s head start, since they should be ready about the same time and are both going to be late night material. The silver maple went next to the cedar. The cedar will be ready first, but how many stacks can I have? I’ll just grab the cedar first.
Not bad, it was pretty brittle although I did use the hammer on the back of the splitter for some of the knots. Just a few whacks here and there.
Finally a CL score!!!! I got up this morning and by chance happened to browse the CL free section which I have bookmarked... so just a simple click to mostly waste my time. Anyway I check and see this ad for a fresh cut down maple that is 20 min from my house but the ad has been up already for 12 hours. How did I miss it??? well last night coming home from work I did my usual check and nothing, so this guy posted this wood after 7:30 pm and I don't check all night. I hate when this happens! Now of course the ad says "If you see this ad the wood is still here, I will remove post once gone" Well I have been burned by that before and being still in my morning fog I had to make a decision to take the chance and risk wasting my time. I thought to myself "what would the people on this Firewood hoarding site do?" Answer- Yep, I was afraid of that So I got my clothes on and ran out leaving the driveway by 7:45am hoping I was early enough to not get skunked. When I got there unfortunately more that 50% of the wood had already disappeared including what I was hoping to get which was the smaller dry almost bark free upper branches which I could tell were ready to burn this winter. The only dry wood left was the way upper thinner branches and they were dry rotted and punked. Still the trip was not a loss because the huge base logs were still there These logs were why I made the gamble to come in the first place knowing that whoever was going to take these had to be strong enough to lift them and that leaves out the casual or accidental sedan passerby-er. Also this block was NOT part of a main road with heavy drive-by traffic so I figured this in as well. Anyway here is the scene:
great score sir!!! FHC version of morning wood! I wouldve still been sipping my coffee. I cant function without a few cups. Although a good wood score wouldve woken me up for sure! Did you make two trips? Do you have pics of the original ad?