Well after 2 years of frustration and lurking around here. I finally have a stove installed in my Shop. 1200 sqft. well insulated. The main problem was the insurance company. We have fairly cheap natural gas here in Northern Alberta. So not a lot of people rely on wood heat. I was first told that if it was Not my main source of heat. And was properly installed. WETT certified. It would not increase my insurance at all. After starting this process. Things changed i guess. I live about 15 kms away from the nearest fire hall. This places me in what they call "The unprotected Zone" by 2 kms. Now it would cost $500 more a year. I had already been saving and working for wood stoves in the house and shop for 2 years. I had bought 1 stove and Accessories already. I have built a 8 X 16 wood shed in addition to the other wood storage areas that I have. So after much talking to the insurance people. If i was to have a couple of chickens on our property. I can switch to Agricultural insurance. this would make it the same as I have been paying. With the wood stoves. Not sure how long the chickens will be here before they are on the wood stove. But I'll have wood heat.
It is crazy how they make you jump through loops. No change basically but better premiums. A couple chickens is no problem...
That's a pain in the neck to go through all that red tape, but my hat is off to you for following through. On the bright side, maybe you'll wind up liking having the chickens? I have a sneaking suspicion my dog Famous would like to have some chickens around our yard. He loves playing catch .
Hi. The stove is a Drolet HT 2000. It's a Large stove for sure. It's Funny my wife was very hesitant to the wood stove idea. Coupled with the insurance issues. But once I had it up and running in my Shop. She had plans to rearrange a bit in My "Mancave" / Shop. so she could put in a couch / sitting area to watch the fire and enjoy the heat. Seem that she is "Warming" up to the idea. LOL.
Those chickens love to clean up ants and grubs when you bust open a round that has some extra "residents" in it too It's like chicken crack
Chickens are great, we have 3 and they're easy to care for and give us 3 eggs a day! The kids love getting the eggs and will sit and watch me split the wood. I won't let them help yet, too young still for the splitter, but I'll let them help carry the splits. Stove looks great, wish I had a shop!
Yeah. At first I only had 1 layer of cinder blocks under it. Then I decided to add the second layer to raise it even more for better viewing and easier loading. The blocks and Patio blocks are all held by construction adhesive to the floor. Plus the 500 lb stove on top of that. The air intake is supposed to be 18" high in a shop where gasoline fume May be possible. I've made sure I Far exceed all required clearances. Also there needs to be a barrier in front of the stove. "Rollcage" I call it. So no type of vehicle could bump into it. But the stove is offset from the shop door. And I have a vehicle hoist inside of the shop door. But if I need one. I'll build it and bolt it to the floor and walls.
Here is a picture of my 8 x 16 wood shed under construction. The rear wall is 6' high. Front is 8' high. The roof is 12' x 20'. So there is plenty of overhang. The sides now have a double layer of boards spaced 3.5" this provides a good air gap and should keep all of the rain out. The Bad is that I had to place it facing North in a shaded area. But it's where it had to go. I have a couple of other places that have about 3 cord of wood already stored. waiting for this project to be complete.
Great stove choice. Looks like a proper install. Your woodshed should be a inspiration for many here. What stove are you considering for the house? Chickens. Oh my!
Hi. I've already bought a second Drolet HT 2000. It's sitting in the shop in it's crate with me. I have the chimney mount installed in the basement up through the first floor in the corner of a closet. Just waiting for a contractor friend to go through the ceiling, attic, roof.
The larger roof gives me a 2' overhang on the sides. I built it so i have 1' at the rear and 3' overhang at the front. Once I've got it full. I have a mesh tarp that I will mount on the front as a roll up door. With rope and pulleys. This will keep most of the rain from ever hitting the wood. But allow wind to go through.