Sorry if my search overlooked this...can't find any current review on this pellet...tons on TCS lignetics green supreme. Anyway...what's the verdict on these now please? These are at a Mom & Pop store ...local TCS didn't get any in.
It was either the Lignetics green OR TSC did get in some "Hardwood blend" UPC 449394031717 which I searched and see are Green Supreme that haven't been shown much love here Hopefully my stove will love the Lignetics!
maybe the last gasp of winter down there in the tropics of Maryland? Even the worst pellet might be better than nothing
Tropics of Maryland? It's 29 degrees here I wish! The Lignetics green are burning nice! Great heat, not bad at all on the fines. Ash really isn't much either! It's a local business that I have dealt with for many years for many things. They will store the pellets and let you pick up as needed. Waiting to see what their early buy prices will be and I might just be set for next year
Early buy price is $250 ton...I'll live with that, especially since they will store them and I pick up as needed Proved to be a decent pellet last year.
They're basically the Lignetics brand and is a second hand product from when Bear Mtn and Lignetics merged. Many folks like them in the inland northwest (no doubt because they can get them on the cheap) and come out of Idaho, and I've heard they're a pretty good pellet... but not my first choice. But then my choices are greatly improved out here. Even though I have no direct experience with them, my gut tells me if you can get them at a solid price -- do it.
Well SQUAT!! I've got 2 tons of Ligs green paid brother called me this AM. There's a place up the road that has Ligs GOLD for $250/ton and the Ligs GREEN for $235/ton. I'm keeping what I've paid for BUT looks like the BTU is only 100 different. What say ye pellet pros?
I see we have the same stove . I've had mine for about 5 years no complaints except it seem to need frequent cleanings even with high quality pellets . What's your take on the stove ?
The Lignetics Green bag can be tricky. The bag says made with hardwood, but if you look at the bar table chart on the bag, it will say hardwood or hardwood blend. You can see how this may upset people who expect hardwood and no blend. I got 2 tons of the blend last year with 30 bags remaining as a carry over. They burned hot, no fine dust, and very little ash. For me, anything made by Lignetics is top notch.
Man, the Lignetics we got out here just don't seem to be that good. We mostly burn Bear Mountain, but if the supplier runs out, and the Winter goes a bit long, I have to get what I can get. Been shying away from Lignetics for many years . Maybe they have gotten better and I need to try them again. they are usually cheaper than Bear Mountain or Golden Fire.
Lignetics is a HUGE company, and I can imagine their product is sourced from a number of different places....would likely account for the differences folks are seeing in quality