Yeah, I was thinking about you when they started saying it would hit hard there. But their graphic shows it might not even hit land so will just get the edge. Still, plenty of wind and water. Good luck, my friend.
Had a cooler day . Did the yard thing. Feeling the need to work on the firewood...then the fun began. Yellow jackets ! Sitting around waiting for the swelling to go down. Be safe out there. Tomorrow is another day.
Actually felt cool this morning, almost like fall. The next few days we're looking at highs in the mid seventies with lows in the mid fifties. I had another visitor I thought I'd share with everyone.
People here call bobcats lynx and lynx bobcats. Go figure, they're all part of the lynx genus. We even have a lake here called Lynx Lake. In any event I'll post a cougar or mountain lion vid when I get one. I have a friend in town that took pics of one a couple of months ago walking up the street well within the city limits. I've only ever seen one myself and even at 50 to 60 yards away it made me stop dead in my tracks and just watch it casually walk off into the forest.
I dont think I would go anywhere without a sidearm if we had mountain lions walking down the street The way my wife's house cat looks at me from time to time weirds me out. I cant imagine having a 200 lb cat looking at me as if I would make a good snack.
Holy chit! Either my eyes failed to put the size of the surroundings in proper perspective or that's a big Bobcat. We have them here too, but a 30 ponder is a fairly big one. Yours look quite a bit bigger than that.
The apex of the berm behind the cat is exactly 3 feet tall. I don't know if that's bigger or smaller than what you estimated but I wanted to give you an actual scale size of what you see in the clip.
Well, my eyes were pretty good then, having never seen a Lynx in real life, or don't remember them from a zoo, that's a big kitty cat that I'd leave alone.
I have both bobcat and lynx.. Had my 2 dogs 125 lbs apiece. They stood on porch.. And left those cats alone..
Yes legal, with proper permits for area of hunting. Less permits as population is decreasing due to ticks..
It is tough keeping moose in MI too because of deer ticks and such. A shame as I'd like to see a good sized herd but there are not too many around. Also only in the UP.
77* here and that is to hot. Just took down an apple tree. Got the thing trimmed and some rounds made before it was time to come in and get cooled down. Got about 3 more rounds t0 make and my brush piles to tote away.